THE FINAL - Part 16

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'Come back tomorrow. Alone.'

Your eyes keep scanning the message. What does this mean? Did he fake his amnesia? You don't see any other reason why he would want you to come all alone. 

Should you listen? Should you go?

Ah, even if you don't go, then he will come to you eventually. So, it's safest to go to the hospital where other people are nearby. That's why you decide to just go back to the hospital tomorrow. Alone, but prepared.

But for now, you go to sleep for the night.

(time skip to next day)

You explained to the staff of your mental hospital, that you are want to visit a friend who is hospitalized. Thanks to the policemen who described the entire situation to the staff yesterday, they allow you to go. 

On your way to the hospital, you take a little detour to a store, to buy something to protect yourself from Yoongi, just like you planned last night. You are not going to arrive bare-handed. If someone is going to be taken by surprise today it will be Yoongi, not you.

After you bought what you wanted to, you eventually arrive at the hospital and walk through its entrance. There is a lady behind the reception and you approach her. "I'm here to visit Min Yoongi," you explain to her. 

The lady nods and types something into the computer in front of her while questioning, "And who are you?"

"I am (Y/N) (L/N). I was here yesterday and I am also his emergency contact."

The lady seems to be checking into her computer if what you say is correct. "Alright, you already know where Mr. Min's room is then?" she asks. 

"Yes, thanks."

You bow slightly to excuse yourself and walk away from the reception. You still remember very well where Yoongi's room is. 

You walk through the white corridors and it reminds you of how you never liked the atmosphere of hospitals. It makes you a bit uncomfortable. 

Nevertheless, you soon spot the door to Yoongi's room. When you stand in front of it, you take a deep breath before knocking on it softly. 

From inside the room, you can hear a quiet, "Come in."

You open the door and it squeaks a bit, announcing your arrival. You see Yoongi sitting on the hospital bed and he makes eye contact with you.

"So you found my note," Yoongi states once he sees you.

You don't reply and just continue approaching him. You sit down on the stool that is next to his bed. Yoongi sits on the bed with a blanket over his legs. He definitely wears hospital pajamas.

"So, you do remember?" you immediately ask without hesitation.

He tilts his head in confusion. "Remember what?" he wonders.

You don't understand why he plays dumb, so you add, "Remember our past. Why else would you have written that note?"

"I already said that I don't remember anything that has to do with you,'' he insists.

"Oh, yeah? That still doesn't explain your note. Why would you ask me to come all by myself?"

"Because I saw how you side-eyed the police officers. I figured you wouldn't tell me anything in front of them or anyone else," Yoongi clarifies. 

You blink at him a few times, completely taken aback. Is it true? Yoongi really doesn't remember? He just wanted you to tell him everything in peace?

"Oh..." is all you can say.

"So, will you tell me now? I really want to know what happened. I want to remember it,"  he begs.

You can't tell him the truth. It is too risky. You like Yoongi the best when he is unknowing of everything. You need to keep everything a secret. You don't want him to snap back to crazy Yoongi.

"You and I. We were together."

His eyes widen a bit and he questions, "Were? Are we not anymore?"

"No, we broke up recently," you lie.

You can practically see how his eyes turn sad. "Oh..." he mumbles.

"Sorry," you whisper since you're not sure what to say.

Yoongi seems to be shuffling around in the sheets a little bit before asking, "Why did we break up?"

You can't come up with anything good, so you simply reply, "It just didn't work out." You mentally facepalm yourself for how cliche this is.


You are not sure if he is buying it or not, but you are definitely not going to ask him that directly. 

There is an awkward silence for a short while since no one knows what to say, but eventually, Yoongi is the one to break it, "So, why are you not telling me everything?"

"What else do you want to hear?" you ask.

"Well, everything. I want to be able to get my memory back, so I need as much information as possible! And also, I want to know our story. Looking at you, I can't believe we broke up," he exclaims.

You are taken aback by his eagerness a little bit. Under any other circumstances, you would completely agree with what Yoongi just said. Him being your crazy stalker, however, changes the game.

"There wasn't a lot to it, Yoongi. We were together, we broke up. That's it. I'm sorry that this is how it went. And I am also sorry for your memory loss but this isn't my responsibility," you say, not realizing that it might sound mean. You just don't want to have to say more, so you try to get rid of this topic.

"Must have been a nasty breakup, huh?" Yoongi mumbles.

You don't know how to respond, so you just clear your throat. 

Suddenly, Yoongi throws the blanket off of him while saying, "Let's get out of here!"

"I'm sorry, what?"

Yoongi shuffles on his bed, eventually making his leg hang from the side of the bed. "It's getting really boring here. Let's leave."

"Yoongi, you literally almost died from the wound in your stomach. You need to stay in bed."

Yoongi now leaves his bed and walks towards the closet that is located on the very opposite of the room. He opens said closet and takes out clothes. He quickly throws the casual clothing over the pajamas that he is wearing.

"Yoongi, stop."

He turns around to look at you, a smile on his face. A genuine smile. 

"Let's go, (Y/N). Let's leave this place and please give me a second chance."

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