THE FINAL - Part 19

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"Who were you calling a psycho?" Yoongi mumbles while not moving an inch.

"W-What? What are you talking about?" you stutter nervously. Did he actually hear what Taehyung and you were talking about and, if so, was he intentionally eavesdropping?

"I don't think I misunderstood it. I clearly heard Taehyung and you talking about someone being psycho. What was that about?" Yoongi keeps pushing for an answer.

"Yoongi, I-", you try to come up with an explanation but Yoongi interrupts you, "Is it me? Did you call me a psycho?"

Yoongi suddenly turns around, looking right at you while only standing a few feet away from you. Due to the darkness of the night you can barely make out his facial expressions but you can tell by the tone of his voice that he is upset, maybe even angry.

"Yoongi, please, a lot happened," you say while remaining vague about the events of the past.

"Tell me everything. Right now," he demands. 

You know you can't do this. If Yoongi is actually suffering from memory loss, and you just bombard him with everything of the past, how will he react? Will he go back to his crazy personality? Will he not believe you? Will he have a breakdown? It's all possible.

Yoongi is not happy about the fact, that you are not answering. So, he walks towards the nightstand and turns on the lamp that is on top of it. You are startled by the light that only manages to illuminate half of the room. 

He insists, "Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth, Y/N."

"I can't," you mumble so quietly it is barely audible to yourself even.

He seems to have heard it or at least realize your hesitation. So, he grabs your wrist, but not tightly or aggressively at all, in hopes to snap you back to reality. Yet, it only manages to startle you. The moment you startle, Yoongi looks down at your wrist and arm to reassure that he did not hurt you.

But, he keeps his eyes focused on it. Even though, he already reassured he is not hurting you with his grip, he is still practically staring onto your arm with a blank expression but wide-eyed, all muscles of his body frozen.

"Yoongi...?" you whisper.

You don't know what he is on about until you realize what his eyes are focused on. There it is. The scar that he inflicted all those months ago. 

You immediately pull your arm away from his grip and since he isn't holding it tightly, you succeed with ease.

Yoongi slowly starts to look up and looks directly into your eyes with the same dead expression he used to look at your arm. 

"Y/N..." he finally manages to whisper.

You gulp nervously. You don't like the tone of his voice in combination with his expression. He looks terrifying and terrified at the same time. As unpredictable as ever.

He walks one step closer towards you and you immediately take a step back. This goes on until your back hits the wall and you can't back off any further. He is now right in front of you.

"Tell me, Y/N. Why do you have a scar on your arm that reads my initials?" he says with an expressionless voice.

This is the first ever moment where you regret you did not listen to Taehyung. He told you to leave and run away to avoid Yoongi forever. But, you didn't. And now, you are stuck in this situation.

Yoongi, once again, notices your hesitation and adds, "I asked a simple question, no? Where did you get that scar from?"

"Yoongi, it doesn't matter now. Please just forget about it," you beg.

"Just forget about it? Isn't that the whole problem I was having? That I forgot about everything," he sasses and you realize how unfortunate your choice of words was. But then, you notice a little detail in his sentence. "was having?" you mumble.

Yoongi chuckles slightly until his face turns all expressionless again.

"Tell me, Y/N. Tell me that I am the psycho," he whispers.

Your breath is shaky and you are slightly trembling. A feeling you are very acquainted to by now. Yet, you decide to just suck it up, "You are the psycho, Yoongi."

"And yet you are still here," he says cockily. 

Yoongi suddenly seemed to have changed completely and so you wonder, "Yoongi, what is going on?" 

He once again giggles a little before taking hold of your arm once again and caressing over your scar and whispers, "Who would have thought that this scar would be so useful in the end?" 

"What do you mean?" you ask, not pulling away your arm to avoid angering him.

"Who would have thought that this single scar would help me get back my memory."

This is the moment where you pull away your arm and try to back off even further, but, just like previously, you can't, your back is already against the wall. 

"Why are you so scared? Shouldn't you be happy I got my memory back just like that? It's a miracle," he says but you can hear the sarcastic and snarky sound of his voice.

"You remember everything?" you ask in a quiet voice.

"Every. little. detail," he says while approaching your face with his with every word he says.

 "Yoongi, p-please stop," you stutter.

He backs off again slightly, but still standing in front of you. "Honestly, I am amazed you did not run away when you had the chance after all that happened. You even called me an ambulance and stayed here with me. I am proud," he admits.

You are not sure how to feel about his words, but frankly, he is probably just proud of himself that he traumatized you to the point that you couldn't run away. 

"But, I must say, the fact that you did not run away from someone like me - a psycho as you said - makes you just as much of a psycho as me, don't you think?" he asks rhetorically.  

This is exactly the same Taehyung said to you and you know they are not wrong. 

"I guess so..." you mumble out in disbelief for yourself.

He is right. Taehyung is right. You are a psycho. You stayed by the side of your kidnapper while even defending him. You cared about his well-being when you found out he suffered cardiac arrest. And, last but not least, you attacked Taehyung by strangling and almost killed him.

You are a psycho. And the reason you are a psycho is standing right in front of you.

"Min Yoongi..." you grumble. Yoongi perks up. 

You start to fidget around in your pocket and Yoongi seems to notice. "What are you doing?" he asks.

"Sending you straight to hell."


A/N: I am back! And this time I am back to finish this story! This story is like a life project to me and it means a lot to me. And I am so happy that there are so many people that enjoy what I am creating. With that being said, I hope you enjoy the rest of this story. See you in the next chapter!

Also, a lot happened in my life. I made one of my life dreams come true and I am living in Tokyo currently. (For a total of 6 months) Life is going well!

An Idol is my Sasaeng?! 2 | Min YoongiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt