THE FINAL - Part 17

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"Let's go, (Y/N). Let's leave this place and please give me a second chance," he says while smiling, but you can definitely see something sad in his eyes as well.

"Yoongi, the doctors literally had to reanimate you. You had a cardiac arrest. Leaving now would be way too risky," you reply, trying to get across how serious his condition is.

"How did this even happen?" he mumbles, mainly to himself but you manage to hear it as well.

"What do you mean?" you question.

He looks down at his stomach, right where his wound is, and then back at you. "This whole thing. Was it an accident or was I attacked?"

He doesn't know that yet? He doesn't remember that as well and no one has told him so far. You are not sure if you should tell him, especially that it was Taehyung.

"As far as I know, you were attacked," you answer with a small voice.

Yoongi's eyes widen a bit and he stutters, "D-Do you know who did that to me?" 

You only shake your head, pretending that you don't know who it was.


There is an awkward silence between the two of you. No one is sure what to say until Yoongi eventually breaks the silence, "Oh well, there is always a higher risk when you're famous. The more people there is that love you, the more haters you have as well, I guess."

You nod, agreeing with the statement itself. "Who thought people could go that far," you whisper, knowing very well, that the person right in front of you is able of going that far.

"Anyways, I'm ready to leave now," Yoongi says, immediately changing the mood of the conversation once again. 

"No, you're not."

Yoongi clicks his tongue and replies, "(Y/N), please, I hate it here. It's so boring."

"You were in your grave with one foot already and you will risk it again when you leave now and overwork yourself. It's not like your wound is magically gone because you survived until now. It can open again if you move too much" you warn him.

"Then stay here with me."

You blink at him several times, not sure if you heard right. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" you question.

"Stay here with me, please. Just for tonight," Yoongi repeats.

You can't do this. You can't stay here in the hospital with him tonight. Everyone with common sense knows that this would be a very bad idea. He is, or was, your stalker and kidnapper after all. Staying in the hospital room with him for a night would be ridiculous.

"All right," you sigh.

It doesn't make sense to say yes, so why did you? Who knows.

"Really?!" Yoongi asks excitedly.

"Sure, just today. So please, lay down again in bed and rest. But, I don't think the hospital staff will be fine with me staying here. They will probably kick me out once visiting hours end," you reply.

Yoongi giggles, "We will see."

Yoongi goes back to his bed and sits down on it. He takes his blanket and covers his lower half with it. 

There is a knock on the door and you are not sure who it might be. Yoongi doesn't seem as confused and announces, "Come in."

The door opens slowly and a nurse carrying a food tray walks in. When she spots you standing in the room she bows slightly and kindly says, "Sorry to bother, but it is dinner time."

"Uh, sure. Don't worry," you reply, not entirely sure why she is apologising but it's probably just out of politeness.

She approaches Yoongi's bed and puts the food tray onto the nightstand right next to him while you still stand in the room awkwardly.

The nurse tells Yoongi, "Please try to eat as much as possible."

Yoongi nods.

The nurse excuses herself and leaves the room again, making sure to close the door.

You sit back down on the stool next to Yoongi's bed. He just look at you for a few seconds and that makes you slightly self-concious.

"Don't you want to eat?" you mumble, pointing at the plate of food on the tray.

Yoongi seems to be thinking about it, "Mh, I am not really hungry."

You sigh, "You should eat. Your body needs it."

"Wanna share? I'm won't be able to finish it regardless. So we don't waste any food." he offers.


That's how you and Yoongi share the food. Since he only got one fork, you two take turns eating. It tastes mediocre. Not bad but not great either.

After you finished it, you glance at Yoongi and he looks exhausted. He is fighting to keep his eyes open.

"Wanna sleep?" you ask.

"Yeah, kinda. But you won't leave?" he almost begs.

"I'll stay as long as I don't get kicked out by the staff," you promise.

Yoongi nods weakly and then slides down to lay on his bed. He covers his entire body with the blanket. His eyes close. It doesn't take long until he falls asleep.

Since you are also a bit tired, you end up taking a nap while sitting on the stool. You'd rather sleep sitting up then joining Yoongi in his bed.

It doesn't take long until you doze off.

(time skip)

You wake up due to a knocking sound. You look around. You are still next to Yoongi's bed in the hospital, sitting on ths stool with your arms crossed in front of your chest. It has gotten dark outside by now.

Yoongi seems to wake up as well because of the noise.

There it is again. Two soft knocks on the door.

"Who could it be?" you mumble.

Yoongi, who is apparently completely awake by now, answers in a whisper, "Probably just a nightly check-up."

"Come in," he declares.

The door opens slowly and at first, you only manage to see the silhouette due to the darkness. It is definitely a male person by the looks of it.

The person slowly walks further into the room after closing the door behind him quietly.

The fact that the person hasn't said a word yet is starting to freak you out a little bit. Yoongi seems to be uncomfortable as well since he asks, "Excuse me?"

The person comes to a halt in the middle of the room.

"Just came here to check on you, Yoongi."


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry, this update was a bit late. I was just not feeling like writing this weekend and I didn't want to force myself.

Anyways, just wanna let you guys know, that I made a ko-fi account if anyone wants to give me a tiny tip/donation. :)
Of course, no one has to do that, but even a single dollar would be very much appreciated!

My link is:

Thanks everyone for reading my story!

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