Chapter 17

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"You know, your hair really grew quite a lot the past few months.", Yoongi whispers into your ear.

Instantly, you slap his hand away that has been touching your hair. "Oh, are we brave today?", he asks sarcastically. You let out an annoyed 'tsk'. He suddenly takes a big step that he is standing right in front of you again.

"You are really brave for someone who is gonna go through hell soon." You gulp at his deep and raspy voice that sends shivers down your spine. "What?", you say under your breath. Yoongi just chuckles. "What did you expect when you left me for five months?"

You just look deeply into his eyes, trying to be intimidating. Of course with no success. "But luckily, your dumb friend brought me back to you.", he continues.

"What did you do to Xhemile?", you growl. "Who? Oh, you mean that friend of yours. She is fine." You clench your fists due to your anger. "That doesn't answer my question. What did you do to her?! Why do you have her phone?!"

"I did nothing. Honestly. She just thinks she lost her phone.", Yoongi says with a smirk, "But you know what? You are not the one to ask questions here."

"So, where were we? Right, your pretty hair.", Yoongi whispers as he starts to play with your hair again. Suddenly, he grabs your wrist and pulls you behind him, walking towards the exit of the small alley.

"Sorry babe, it's too dark here. Let's go somewhere else to take care of your hair." You start to wiggle around in his grip. As a response he stops walking and looks at you for a second until he grabs you by your waist and throws you over his shoulder.

After he left the alley, he walks along the road while carrying you. You want to see where he is heading towards, so you try to look over his shoulder to look the other way. A familar car comes into vision, which you have seen quite often the past days.

It's the car with tinted windows that has been following you around recently. Yoongi opens the backdoor with one hand and throws you into the car when it was open.

You are surprised when you land on something soft. You look around and see that the whole second row of seats is replaced with a mattress that's filling the entire backrow and trunk.

Yoongi gets in after you through the same door, now sitting in front of you on the mattress. He turns on a light inside the car and is holding a pair of scissors.

You sigh heavily and just close your eyes, letting him do what he needs to do. "Good kitten~" You then begin to feel the metal near your head and the sound of the scissors closing.

He just keeps going and you just sit and wait until it's finally over, not daring to open your eyes.

"Okay, done~" he sings. You slowly open your eyes again and look into the rearview mirror. Of course, it is as short as it was last time he cut it. You then look at Yoongi and he looks really proud and satisfied with his work.

"Pretty, isn't it~?" You sigh heavily. "If you say so." As a response he just nods. He begins to play with your hair a little bit until he decides to clean up the strands of hair that lay around the mattress.

As he is done, he sits in front of you again with his legs crossed. Yoongi makes a gesture to tell you to show him your right hand. You obey and he takes hold of your hand, examining the wound he just stitched up.

He frowns and you wonder why. "What?", you ask because of his facial expression. He sighs. "I think we should disinfect it, so it doesn't get infected." You shake your head furiously, imagining how much it must hurt.

Nevertheless, he starts to look around and indeed he has alcohol for desinfection. He opens the bottle and you interrupt right before he pours it over your palm: "Wait!" He tilts his head curiously. "What?"

"At least give me something to bite on when it hurts." Yoongi shrugs and hands you a piece of cloth. You put it into your mouth and in the same second he pours the alcohol over your palm while holding your wrist tightly.

You scream loudly due to the pain, but try to reduce the volume and also the pain by biting into the cloth.

The pain slowly fades and you remove the cloth again while panting. You also notice sweat running down your forehead. "See? Wasn't too bad~" You just decide to not reply.

His expression suddenly changes, his eyes now dark. "Now, lay down." Your eyes widen while you stutter: "W-what?" Yoongi growls: "Lay down."

You obey and lay down onto your back and he gets on top of you, pinning you to the mattress. Yoongi looks deeply into your eyes and it intimidates you.

"Now sleep.", he demands. You frown confused. "What?" He clarifies: "I said sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day." You are confused as you have no idea what he is talking about. "Uhm, why?"

"Because we're flying back to Korea tomorrow."

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