Chapter 41

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"Madness?", Yoongi says in a whisper.

He stares Taehyung down with a threatening look but the younger looks at him straightfaced. "Yes, Yoongi. Madness. This is just crazy. Can't we just leave everything behind and live like we used to before everything went downhill.", Taehyung says with a slight frown on his face now.

"Oh, you say that after trying to take advantage of my girlfriend?! I can't believe this. You are pathetic.", Yoongi says angrily while creeping closer towards Taehyung who is still lying in the hospital bed.

"How many times do I have to apologize? I'm sorry, okay? I don't want to fight any longer. I want to go on with group activities again. I want BTS to come back. But you need to accept my apology for that.", Taehyung suggests and he actually seems genuine.

"Oh, you wanna go on with BTS and that's why I should forgive you that you almost raped my girlfriend?", Yoongi growls sarcastically while one of his hands is alredy resting on the hospital bed where the younger is lying on.

"I'm sorry, we were drinking and I got stupid. Everything got out of hand. I'm sorry. I will leave you two alone from now on. But please, forgive me and let's be friends again, Yoongi.", Taehyung says, his eyes are literally begging the older.

"You just say this because you lost. Because you realized you can't defeat me.", Yoongi exclaims. Yet, Yoongi was playing dirty. He shouldn't say something like this.

"No, I say it because I'm really sorry. It was the biggest mistake I ever made in my entire life. I'm not just apologizing to you, Yoongi. I'm mainly trying to apologize to (Y/N) because she is the one I harmed, not you.", Taehyung explains.

Yoongi seems to be taken aback by this response and before he could say anything, Taehyung already continues: "(Y/N), I'm really sorry for what happened. I'm truly sorry. Will you accept my apology?" Both Taehyung and Yoongi look at you. Yet, the younger hopes that you accept it while Yoongi, of course, wants you to refuse it.

You look at both of them for a few seconds, puzzled about how you should reply. Eventually, you reply honestly: "Well, of course it was very wrong what you did. But, months have passed and I think I'm over it for the most part. Yet, mainly I want you two to get along again because you used to be best friends. Also I don't want to be the reason why BTS are on a hiatus."

"(Y/N), why?", Yoongi asks in a low voice. "Why? Because you are being too stubborn, Yoongi. I know that deep down you also want to do group activities again. I know that you wanna perform with the members again.", you reply, trying to comforthimm while at the same time you confront him.

"(Y/N), I can't believe you accept his apology that easily. Did you already forget what he did to you?", Yoongi says, upset by your response.

You shake your head slightly. "No, of course I didn't forget that. But, this fight is getting out of hand.", you try to explain, yet knowing it's probably not possible to explain something to a crazy stalker.

"Yoongi, she is right. This already got out of hand. Look where this fight got me. I'm in the hospita---", before Taehyung finishes his sentence, he suddenly stops speaking and then looks at you with widened eyes for a moment, looking completely shocked. A second later he looks back at Yoongi.

Before he was able to speak again, there was a knock at the door. Apparently Yoongi doesn't want, whoever just knocked, to enter because he walks towards the door to keep them from entering.

Meanwhile, Taehyung is quickly grabbing a paper and a pen that's right next to him on the bedside table. He writes something on down on the piece of paper and when he was done he folds it and gestures you to take it.

You do so and put it into your pocket without looking at it. Right then, Yoongi comes back. "(Y/N), we should leave. Visiting hours are over. Taehyung, we will discuss this again when you're back at the dorm.", Yoongi states. "Alright.", Taehyung replies.

"Come on, (Y/N).", Yoongi says while taking your hand and leading you towards the exit to go back home.

(time skip)

Yoongi and you just arrived back at his apartment and you sigh while taking off your shoes. You head towards his bed to sit down for a minute. "I'll be using the bathroom real quick." Yoongi says while heading towards the bathroom.

He enters the bathroom and locks the door. You use this opportunity to look at the paper Taehyung gave you. You take it out of your pocket and unfold it.

Then you read what Taehyung wrote:

'Was it because of him that you were in the hospital? Because of Yoongi?'

You gasp as you read the words. Did he really understand what happened back then? How should you reply? Should you even reply? If so, how are able to tell him without Yoongi noticing?

You sigh because you don't know what to do now. You decide to think about it later. You are about to put the piece of paper back into your pocket but right at that moment Yoongi comes out of the bathroom.

"(Y/N), what do you have there?"

An Idol is my Sasaeng?! 2 | Min YoongiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum