Chapter 44

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"Yeah, you know, I'm kind of looking forward to seeing my cousin again. I haven't seen him in years.", said the second police officer that didn't speak much yet.

You are not sure if you just heard right. Cousin? Is she actually related to one of the members? Do they really know who actually lives in this dorm?

Right at that moment, Rhea comes back with the residents of the dorm. Most of them look surprised to see police officers in their lobby. Yet, you notice that one specific person is missing right now.

Before anyone could ask what is happening, Namjoon already beats them to it: "What is going on?" The officer, you recall as Choi Heoni, clears her throat. "We are here because of the case of a missing girl. But first of all, is everyone here?"

At this question, everyone looks at the people present in the room. "No.", Rhea suddenly states, "Yoongi is missing." The other members nod and mumble quietly. "I couldn't find him.", clarifies Namjoon. "What do you mean, you couldn't find him?", one of the officers asks suspiciously. "He just wasn't anywhere.", Namjoon explains.

You frown. "But he was in his dorm room just a few minutes ago.", you mumble, yet it is audible to everyone. "It's like he disappeared.", Namjoon adds.

"Seems like he knows something he doesn't want us to know.", one of the officers says.

Before anyone could react to that statement, there is a chuckle heard from behind and all of you turn to see what's the source of this. And you see a smirking Yoongi, who just entered the lobby.

"Long time, no see.", he says as he looks at the second officer, Min Jule. She just hums in response. Are they actually related?

"So, now where everyone is here, let me explain what is going on.", officer Choi begins, "We are looking for a missing girl, Thalia, who went missing somewhere in this area of the city and we need to question you one by one to see if you guys know anything."

"May I ask something first?", Rhea interrups and the officer nods. "Is there evidence that she is... well, alive?" The officer gives her a kind smile. "According to our most recent information, yeah, she is most likely alive. Yet, we can't tell you about the evidence more as it is top secret.", one if the officers explains and Rhea seems satisfied with the answer.

"Okay, due to lack of time, my colleague and I will split up and each one of us will question four of you.", officer Min suggests. Each officer questions four people. You are eight right now. Six band members and then there is Rhea and you. Taehyung still in hospital.

"You should also question Kim Taehyung, who isn't present right now.", Yoongi says. Both officers raise their eyebrows. "Where is he then?", they ask. "Hospital.", Yoongi adds. Both officers look at each, using their personal telepathy to communicate. "Oh?", Choi eventually asks. "Accident.", Yoongi says. Officer Min gestures her colleague to not question it any further.

"Okay, I'll question you four.", Officer Min says while pointing at Rhea, Hoseok, Yoongi and you. Her colleague nods and leads the other four out of the room to interview them somewhere else while you stay in the lobby.

"Okay, Min Yoongi I'll question you first.", officer Min states and Hoseok and Rhea leave the room for discretion. You are also about to leave the room but Yoongi grabs your wrist. You turn around confused and look at him.

"Can I do the questioning with her? She is my girlfriend.", Yoongi requests. This slick bastard really doesn't want you to talk to the police alone. Well, that's probably smart of him. You will still try to give her signs that you need help.

Officer Min looks between the two of you for a second before replying: "Sure." Yoongi giggles in response. "Tsk, you know you are not allowed to do that.", he says sarcastically and she let out a fake gasp. Both of them chuckle afterwards. You look at them confused. A police officer definitely shouldn't behave like that, especially when breaking the rules.

"So, Yoongi, who is that little girlfriend of yours?", the officer asks. "Oh, that's (Y/N). (Y/N), that's Jule, my cousin. The other half of her family is German, that's why she has a foreign name.", Yoongi introduces you. You just smile, trying to look kind but you are still pretty nervous inside.

"Yeah, Yoongi and me were always pretty close. When the rest of the family wasn't on our side or didn't support us, we knew we had each other, right?", officer Min says with a cheeky smile.

"Exactly. She is kinda like my partner in crime.", Yoongi explains and Jule nods. "Haha, interesting metaphora.", you state with a nervous chuckle.

"What metaphora?"


A/N: Sorry I haven't updated the past few days. I was really stressed out when BTS suddenly announced another tour. 😩

And, guess what, I got tickets! I'm gonna be seeing them again in London in the Wembley stadium! REEEEEE (I have to fly there but whatever lmao)

I might do a meetup with you guys there if enough people are interested. :3 Because I saw I have a lot of readers in the UK!

An Idol is my Sasaeng?! 2 | Min YoongiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora