Chapter 28

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"Yoongi, they send me to ge---"

Both Yoongi and you instantly look up to see who just dashed into the room. "Oh, uhm, hey.", Taehyung adds after he interrupted himself when he saw you. He awkwardly stands in the doorframe and looks at Yoongi and you but especially at you.

"What do you want?", Yoongi growls and it already sends shivers down your spine. Yet, it doesn't seem to affect Taehyung. It must have been usual to him. Are there still hardened fronts between the two idols? You assume so.

"The rest of the group sent me to get you. They want to have a small meeting as we soon start promoting again after our break.", Taehyung explains. "And why did they sent you?", Yoongi asks, obviously pissed.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?", Taehyung replies cockily. Yoongi clicks his tongue in response.

While the two of them have their little passive-aggressive chit-chat, you stand next to Yoongi and just watch them, wondering what is actually going on inside their heads.

"Where do they want to meet?", Yoongi eventually asks. He just wants the other male to leave the room and Taehyung replies as simple as he could: "Practice room." Yoongi nods his head.

After that, Taehyung leaves the room again and closes the door. Yoongi exhales heavily at that moment. It seems that he tries to control his anger.

Then, he looks at you. "You heard what he said, I have to see the others." You nod your head slightly as you think that you know what he is referring to. You think that he means that you have to get handcuffed to the bed again. Yet, he surprises you with what he says next.

"You wanna come with me?" You honestly don't know how to reply as you don't know what's worse, being handcuffed to the bed or go with your crazy stalker. "Uhm...", you mumble unsure.

"That was a rhetorical question.", he clarifies and it seems that your choice has been taken away. You nod your head, signaling him that you understood and will listen to what he said. "Good.", Yoongi says under his breath.

"Do I need to change?", you ask, pointing at the sweatpants you are wearing. "No, but I need to get ready real quick.", he replies.

He walks towards the bathroom again and right before he enters, he says: "Wait right there. Don't try to run. Remember, I'm faster than you. You have an injured thigh."

He enters the bathroom and all you could think of is, if that's why he hurt your thigh specifically. So, that you can't run as fast.

You decide to sit down on the bed and wait for him to come back.

(time skip)

Yoongi leaves the bathroom again a few minutes later. He also gets an oversized hoodie from his dresser and hands it to you. You tilt your head in confusion. "Wear it. It has long sleeves, so it's easier to hide your injured hand.", Yoongi explains.

You understand and put the hoodie on. "Ready to go?", Yoongi then asks. You nod and he takes hold of your left hand and heads out of the apartment.

The two of you walk through the familiar hallway. A hallway which you actually didn't ever want to see again. Yet, here you are.

Quickly, you reach the practice room and at the moment Yoongi opens the door, reaveling yourself to the rest of the group, a few gasps can be heard.

For a few seconds, no one says a word, until eventually, Jimin breaks the silence: "The one-night stand is back!" Yoongi sighs as he leads you inside the room. "Jimin, I already told you that she wasn't a one-night stand. She is my girlfriend.", he explains.

"I know, I know. I was just joking, Yoongi-hyung. Relax.", Jimin tries to reassure the older. After that, you greet everyone kindly. Everyone is happy that you are back. Yet, one person is glad that you're back here but not glad that you are back with Yoongi.

Everyone is seated in a circle and Yoongi and you join. As you sit down, Namjoon looks around the group to make sure if everyone is ready to start with the meeting.

When everyone looked at the leader expectantly, he claps his hands together once and clears his throat.

"So, as you all know, our break will be over soon and we will begin promoting again. Of course, we need to discuss some things for that. And first of all, we have to discuss, how we will proceed from now on. I know, things will be different from now on but-"

"I think we should disband."


A/N: I already planned on writing this last quote before the Mama award speech. So, please don't come for me.

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