Chapter 14

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"Let's play some hide and seek~", he says while smirking dirtily.

You look at him, straight into his eyes. You are still frozen and can't move a single muscle. You are hoping that you are dreaming right now, but you know that you aren't.

Yoongi then puts Xhemile's phone into his pocket. He quietly giggles once and then puts his hands in front of his face, covering both his eyes.


You keep on looking at him in shock and confusion, while he is not able to see you. You are not sure what to do now.


You then realize what he is doing and your instincts take over you. You just start to run.


You run down the road, actually not caring in what direction you are currently going.


You could still hear his voice clearly, even though it's getting more and more distant with every step you take.


You just run and try to get as much distance to him as possible, so that he can't catch up.


You are just running straight while all the memories of him torturing you are coming back.


Yet, his voice is getting rather quiet and it's difficult to still hear him, which eases you.


You barely even heard this, you more like imagined it in your mind than you actually heard it.


He says this way louder and suddenly your body does something really stupid. You have no idea why you are doing this because it makes no sense whatsoever.

You take a sharp bend and run into the next small and dark alley that is next to you. Sitting down onto the floor next to some dumpsters, while panting heavily.

"Ten! Ready or not, here I come~", you hear him yell playfully.

Why did your instincts decide to hide here? Why didn't you just keep on running? Even though he might have seen you running, he wouldn't be able to catch up.

This is ridiculous because Yoongi even heard what direction you ran towards. He just needs to follow the previous sound. You mentally facepalm yourself at how stupid you are.

As you listen closely while sitting on the cold floor next to the dumpster, you hear his footsteps echoing, coming closer slowly.

"Kitteeen~ Where are you?", you hear him say loudly in a playful way. You mentally begin to panic and start to crawl deeper into dark alley, that's enclosed by big buildings.

You crawl on all fours, because you are afraid that he might be able to spot you if you stand up if he looks into the alley at that moment. You feel along the ground in front of you with your hands, trying not to run into something.

Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your right palm. You quickly sit down onto your knees and put your left hand in front of your mouth to keep your scream of pain in. You look at your right hand and see a not too small glass shard cutting into the skin of your right palm.

Frantically, you rip off a small piece of cloth from your shirt and put it into your mouth. Then, you take hold of the glass shard with your free hand and quickly pull it out. The cloth muffled most of your painful noises, which you are glad about.

You wrap the cloth you just had in your mouth around your right hand to reduce the bleeding. You sigh quietly and wipe away some sweat from your forehead.

"Kitty kitty~", you then hear Yoongi again, even closer than before. You catch sight of another dumpster in front of you and you quickly but quietly crouch towards it, making sure your hands don't touch the ground.

You reach the dumpster and your back hits the cold wall behind you. You then notice that Yoongi's footsteps are pretty close, you peek up from behind the dumpster and see him standing next to the entrance to the alley on the road under a street light.

You watch him as he takes out Xhemile's phone, clicking the screen. A few seconds later you feel and also hear your phone vibrating in your pocket. Yoongi's head instantly shoots up and you get back behind the dumpster, hectically grabbing your phone to decline the call from Xhemile's phone.

Then an idea comes into your mind, that you should have thought about earlier. With your phone still in your hand you open the call section, about to enter a certain number. You know it's not the actual emergency number for Egypt, but it should work internationally.


You click the call button, but already a split second later your phone is snatched away from you. You look up to meet Yoongi's gaze, looking at you with a smirk while crouching right in front of you holding your phone up with his left hand.

With that you hear a quiet voice from your phone: "9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

You look at him, your mouth slightly agape. Your whole body is shaking as he just keeps on staring at you for a few more seconds.

"Hello? Someone there? You called 9-1-1."

Yoongi slightly tilts his head and then presses the button to hang the call up and the next thing you hear from your phone is just the faint 'beep' sound.

"I won."

An Idol is my Sasaeng?! 2 | Min YoongiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ