Chapter 39: Building and Discovering

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A sound emanated from the bushes behind the storehouse in which the Princess was set on fire. An unknown appearance observing everything; perceived Sennett's evil plans and hurried to the storage unit to save the Princess. The blazing fire only made him harder to locate her, but that didn't obstruct him. He spotted her and hoisted her out of there before the blazing light could do any further damage. The body was discovered with burns all over, but the breathing rate didn't end, it kept increasing as the Princess' eyes were trembling and struggling to open. The mysterious figure spoke softly, "Don't worry, you may not know me, but I certainly know you, you're safe with me. I will take you someplace secure."

After the daring rescue, the next morning, Brunia's eyes opened wide and bright and was perplexed about her location. The figure entered the room again and greeted, "Good morning, sunshine, did you sleep well?" Brunia commented, "I have never seen this type of abduction before, what's next, tossing me into the burning chambers." The man raised an eyebrow and asked, "Then why could I rescue you from a burning storehouse if I wanted you to die anyway?" Brunia questioned, "Excuse me? Did you say, burning storehouse?" The man inquired, "You don't remember anything? At least can you tell me that you are Princess Brunia, right?" She asked, "Who is Princess Brunia?" The man affirmed, "You are, aren't you? Okay... umm... what do you last recollect?" The lady answered, "Truth be told, I cannot reminisce anything." The man gasped and thought, "Is she suffering from memory loss? Surely she must be, or else she would recognize me as Kabir's cousin, Karan." The woman shrieked, "Why are there burns on my body!?"

The man suggested, "Okay woman... what you need to do is get a life and create a fresh new start. At least can you tell me what do you want to become? I mean profession." The lady answered, "I always wanted to become a doctor." The man thought, "It would be foolish to ask her about her educational background... I will just take her to a university offering this job, and there they can access her academic ability." The man proposed, "Let me take you to a place where I can make you a dream come true." The woman asked, "Then what are you waiting for?" Both of them slipped away and went over to the Granzreich university to get the lady enrolled and find her career path.

At the institution, the examiner consulted with Karan and commenced Brunia's testing, and the time limit was 5 hours. After two and a half hours, Brunia concluded the examination quickly, and the examiner marked it and was astonished to ascertain 100%! She inquired, "Miss, I have never seen such academic excellence in my life! Aren't you Princess Brunia, why would you come to a place like this, wouldn't you rather be a Queen in the Vermillion nation?" The lady answered, "I don't really know why you guys are calling me a Princess, and I don't remember my name or my past. I don't even know which university I attended, but it seems like I am retaining the knowledge. Since everyone thinks that I'm Brunia, I will be, for the time being. But I beg of you please don't call me 'Princess'; it's childish."

The examiner announced, "Fine by me. However, Prin-- I mean Brunia, with your grades; there are more placed other than Granzreich which is in search of a doctor like you, this place is too small for you to reach your full potential, so you will be sent to the kingdom of Ofdain, where the King and Queen are in search of a palace doctor who not only serves to the royal family but to everyone in the kingdom." Karan asked, "But won't that be tiresome for Brunia?" The examiner placed her hand on Brunia's shoulder and responded, "This test score speaks a lot about you, Brunia. If you weren't qualified to handle more than a hundred patients every day, then I wouldn't hook you up for this." Brunia replied, "Then I will try to make the most of it."

Two days later, Brunia arrived at The Tuliplands Royal palace of the Ofdain kingdom to build a future of herself. The King, Queen, and the young Prince of the country stood at the palace gates to greet their new physician. The carriage stopped in front of the entrance, and Brunia descended from the vehicle to witness the new bright and shining faces waiting for her. She approached them and addressed while bowing, "Your Majesties of Ofdain, it is an incredible honor to have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity bestowed upon me. I won't let you down and will do the best I can." The King smiled and responded, "We are thrilled to have you, dear. Now lift up your head and let us see our new doctor's beautiful face." Brunia lifted up her head, which surprised the King and Queen. The King squealed, "Such a young doctor!? And Noreena, am I the only one who thinks that she somewhat resembles you?" The Queen came closer, observed Brunia's facial features, and pulled her into a firm embrace!

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