Chapter 15: Future Salvation

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As the three of them entered Ralphina's estate, Maximilia squealed with delight, "Wow! It is as majestic on the inside!" Professor Heidi asked, "Ma'am Ralphina, where are your parents?" Ralphina answered while shutting the door behind her, "Oh, they are away for the moment." Maximilia looked around and inquired, "Wait, didn't Ludhiana come in before us?" Ralphina replied, "Yes, she did. But a servant is showing her to the restroom." She continued while picking up a toy and handed it to Professor Heidi, "Let me see... will you be playing in the garden, or you want to play with my brother's little toy?" Professor Heidi screamed in a fury, "As I have said, I am a grown woman and the imperial mentor!! Hmph!" Ralphina shrieked, "Wait, what!?" Maximilia responded, "Well yeah... that's the Professor, don't worry, she's always mistaken for a child."

Professor Heidi then composed herself and proposed that they should get into the matter at hand. Kaira asked, "Ralphina, there is something that I wanted to ask you for a long time. Why did you decide to attack Brunia out of all people?" Ralphina squeezed her hands and replied with shame, "The truth is, there were rumors! Everyone said that royals get to do whatever they wanted in the etiquette academy and the grades were often changed to place them at the top of all their classes. Brunia always earned the highest marks at school, and all the instructors seemed to adore her too. And even you received the highest grades in cooking class." Kaira countered, "That's because Brunia is talented and always tries hard to be on her best behavior. Other than cooking, I was never awarded the top marks, but I fared above 85% in all of them." Ralphina screamed, "Yes, Your Highness, I know! But that didn't stop the instructors from treating you differently from the rest of the class! Some of them were afraid to discipline you for their fear of approach. Since they were forced to be so careful with you, they would lash out at us instead!"

Kaira responded, "I didn't know that." Ralphina continued while crying, "It made me angry. My friends and I vented our anger on Brunia. I know that it is nothing but jealousy on my part. I am very ashamed of myself, truly. I would kindly ask for your forgiveness, but I'm well aware that I don't deserve it!" Kaira replied while putting her head down, "Me too. Resorting to violence was terrible of me, sorry." Ralphina spoke while wiping her tears, "Your Highness, please lift up your head." Kaira asked, "Did you hear about the article of the incident that was published in the newspaper recently?" Ralphina answered, "No, I didn't. What does it say?" Professor Heidi handed it over to her and said, "Please have a look at it. You must know what has been published here."

As Ralphina read it, she shouted in disbelief, "NO! This is ridiculous! Majority of this article is false! Last week, a reporter called on me, inquiring about the incident but I didn't comment. I had no idea that they've written this nonsense!" Kaira responded, "Help me. I want them to correct the article and have no desire to blame anyone; the people deserve to know the truth; it would mean the world to me." Ralphina put on a weak smile and spoke, "I will help if you let me, Your Highness. Shall we shake?" When Kaira extended her hand to seal the deal, suddenly Ralphina took out her gun and pointed it towards the Princess!!! Ralphina scoffed with an evil grin, "You fool! It was easier to lure you here than I expected! Don't move a muscle, or else your precious Princess is as good as dead!"

Immediately, the goons who kidnapped Ludhiana appeared, and Ralphina commanded them, "Put them in the cellar! If they have any weapons, seize them!" They followed her instructions, dumped them in the cellar, and handcuffed them. As the goons left the area, Kaira said, "I'm sorry, I wanted to talk to her to come to some form of understanding and looked how it turned out!" Maximilia stated, "Your Highness, no matter what happens, I just want to say that I'm proud to be your guard! We need to do something about these handcuffs, though." Ralphina entered the storage, and Professor Heidi shouted as a response, "You must know that the Queen will come to our rescue! You will never get away with something like this!" Ralphina, unflinching, answered, "I expect to collect a ransom of 300,000 Vegins for the Princess and 150,000 for the rest of you!"

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