Chapter 16: Do I even know you?

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The Countess stated, "I think it's best that you and I have a little chat, Professor." Heidi answered, "I must decline. I'm quite busy today." The Countess reassured by abruptly picking the Professor in her arms, "Now, now. There's no need to be so guarded. It's not like I am going to kidnap you." Heidi shouted in anger, "ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU'RE CURRENTLY DOING!!?? HMPH!!!!??" She plopped the Professor on a seat in the carriage, and she convinced that she was going to drop Heidi back to the palace. While the carriage rattled down the dusty roads of Cumsta, The Countess spoke, "I must admit, I've wanted to talk to you for quite some time now. You see, I've heard a lot about you from my cousin." Professor Heidi asked in curiosity, "Your cousin?" The Countess answered with a smile, "Maximilia, the palace guard, of course. There is a slight resemblance." Professor Heidi thought, "Perhaps on the outside, but on the inside, they couldn't be any different."

The Countess continued, "She says that she's envious of how you and the Princesses have been getting along as of late. It seems that all of them have changed since you first entered the palace gates; in a good way, I mean." Professor Heidi countered, "Perhaps, but I too have been hoping an opportunity to have a long talk with you. Have you ever met a young woman named Ralphina Von Fucillo?" The Countess quickly answered, "Never met her." Professor Heidi spoke, "There's no need to fake ignorance on the matter. You attempted to aggravate the issue between Princess Licha and the Queen by blabbering about the Princess' job in town. You also tried to dissuade Princess Brunia from her goals by using Doctor Dmitria. And there's the matter with Princess Kaira. Ralphina, Kaira's kidnapper claims that she heard an accusatory gossip on how the Princesses were treated in etiquette academy. Do you have any knowledge of this?" The Countess gave out a fake laugh and responded, "What are you suggesting? That I am the one who whispered it into her ears? But now that you mention it; yes. I do know a man named Aaron Von Fucillo, it is possible that they're related somehow. However, if you think that I am trying to sabotage the young Princesses, you suffer a grave misconception. Princess Eina is the eldest and is also the most qualified candidate for the throne, so I have no reason to interfere in the other Princesses' lives. But enough about that. Have you seen this new story that has been making the rounds? A criminal has slipped into the palace walls; I do wonder if Professor Witzenberg knows who this criminal is. Oh dear! We're already at the palace. Time flies when you're having fun, don't you agree?"

The carriage halted in front of the palace gardens. Not even a moment later, Leonora arrived at the scene and screamed, "Heidi!" Professor Heidi descended the vehicle without a word. The Countess said, "Oh Professor Heidi, the thing that I forgot to mention is, I found out the truth. I know who you really are. It seems that before you came to the palace, you were a tutor at The Vegin Chruch. I tried to go further back into your history; it was tough to find anything of substance, but what I came across was very interesting. You didn't come from our side, did you?" Professor Heidi glared at her with silence whereas Leonora stood there clueless and was wondering, "Our side? What on earth does this mean?" The Countess spoke, "I would love to hear about it the next time we meet. Good day, to both of you."

Professor Heidi said while walking away, "Come, Princess Leonora, quickly." Leonora ignored the imperial mentor, clearly lost in her thoughts, "Seriously? What does this lady mean? Who Heidi really is?" She snapped back into reality and noticed that Heidi was gone. She screamed, "Heidi!?" and ran back to the palace corridors. While Professor Heidi was advancing back into her room, Leonora sneaked up on her and was staring at her from a distance. Professor Heidi suddenly appeared behind her and asked, "You're aware that I can see you, Princess, right? Leonora flinched with fear and screamed, "I wasn't peeping, I swear!!! Don't sneak up on me like that!!!" Professor Heidi corrected her, "Wrong, my Princess. You were the one who was snooping for no reason." She then asked after looking at the paper in Leonora's hand, "My, is that your homework? Have you already completed your assignments for tomorrow? I commend your enthusiasm, I could evaluate it now if you'd like!"

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