Chapter 7: A royal visit to Cumsta!

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"I'm pleased to see you all here," said Professor Heidi after gathering everyone for another group lesson for the day. Brunia reminded, "Yes, Mistress! Please note that I arrived 15 minutes early." Leonora asked arrogantly, "Why the last-minute summons, though?" Licha added, "If this is a group endeavor tailored to Leo's level that this should be a piece of cake!" Leonora glared at Licha and yelled, "Excuse me!?" Professor Heidi announced, "Quiet, please. Our group lesson will not take place at the desk. Today we will have a field trip to the capital, Cumsta, to learn about the lives of the common citizens." Licha squealed in excitement, "We're going to town? Woohoo! YAY! What are we doing? Shopping for shoes? Or better yet, shopping for some cosmopolitan magazines?" Professor Heidi replied while adjusting her spectacles, "Our trip is not for amusement. It's a lesson to groom you for the throne." Licha scoffed in disappointment, "Aw! That's no fun!"

Brunia asked with concern, "Is it genuinely appropriate for us Princesses, to go about town? I have studied the subject, but I've never experienced it myself, only seen it through the safety of the royal carriage." Kaira added, "I know, same here. It's intimidating." Licha spoke, "Oh! I've been to Mica's cafe, Chaz's traveler agency, Rafael's courtship toys shop--" Brunia interrupted Licha by smashing her head with the most prominent book she could find. She yelled, "Your indecency has no bounds, sister! You shameful imbecile!" Leonora was perplexed, and she asked Kaira in curiosity, "Kaira, what does courtship mean?" Kaira's eyes widened with surprise as she didn't know how to answer that. Licha stepped forward and stated with confidence, "Well... I am surprised that I'm younger than you and I know what it means! Anyways, courtship is practically synonymous for l-- Mhrup!" Brunia covered Licha's mouth and scolded, "Shut up, you disgraceful girl! Or else, I will straighten you out myself!"

Professor Heidi ignored the awkward turn of the conversation and proceeded, "Quiet, Princesses! Going to town is an excellent experience, I assure you. Besides, it is relatively safe these days." Licha shrieked with glee, "YAY! Safe and fun; just the way I like it!" Professor Heidi continued, "Your Highnesses, shall we?" Brunia replied with enthusiasm, "I will learn what I can, mistress!" Leonora spoke with arrogance, "I believe I will stay here. I've never walked about the town before either. But what's that to me? Why should a royal know about the lives of the commoners, anyway?" Professor Heidi answered while removing a journal out of her coat, "Fair question. Let's examine the history of the Vermillion royals two hundred years ago. Prince Maxwell Beaufort chose to relinquish his claim to the throne as his aspirations for the same was nothing compared to the passion he had for a young lady named Marie Bellanez from the royal family of Fenicia. He married her and became the king of that realm under the explicit request of the kings from both nations. He was ignorant of the poverty of the masses and lived a life of luxury. Angered by his indulgences, the people revolted and sent him to the guillotine. Here's an illustration of his execution, have a look, Princess." Leonora screamed at the top of her voice with fear as she saw that the execution of King Maxwell was done by a machine which functioned as a 'head cut off' contraption.

Professor Heidi advanced while closing her journal, "You can remain home if you'd prefer, Your Highness." Leonora fell on the ground, quivering and spoke in a trembling voice, "I-I only have to g-go right? I'll learn about the lives of the commoners, s-so p-please s-spare me from the g-g-guillotine!" Professor Heidi thought, "Hmm... it seems that I've learned how to handle Princess Leonora." She announced, "Please assemble at the courtyard carriage house at ten o'clock. We will be incognito. I ask that you wear clothing that will not reveal your identities." All the Princesses agreed to do so and headed to their respective rooms to change.


Brunia was all set to hit the town with her commoner look. Though she is not relatively known to be accustomed to disguises, she dressed right up to the mark. There was a bright scarlet heart-shaped box kept on her dressing table. She opened it to find out if there was any accessory that she could add to her outfit. Brunia found pieces of black hair clips, and bracelet made with colorful beads, a smiling keychain and a pair of earrings inside the case, she smiled at the sight of it, but immediately slammed it close as Licha appeared in the room out of nowhere. Brunia was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even realize that Licha was standing there for quite some time. She asked indignantly, "How many times I told you to knock three times before entering?!" Licha neglected the question and proposed a new one; with her gaze turning sharp and curious, "I'm pretty sure that all those stuff in that box weren't given to you by mother or by any of us sisters, where did you get these from?" Brunia glared at her and replied with fraudulent ignorance, "Well... I don't know what you're talking about, Licha. Now, isn't Mistress waiting for us at the porch? We must be there at once! We're already late!" Licha glanced at her watch and said sarcastically, "Fine, genius! I'll let you off the hook this time because we can't keep Professor waiting for so long. But remember, I will be keeping an eye on you." Brunia gulped in fear and waited for Licha to depart from her chambers. After Licha vacated the area, Brunia dumped the box in one of her hidden drawers and vowed herself never to open it again in front of her family.

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