Chapter 30: Where's the party tonight?

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The day had finally arrived when Prince Bruno and Princess Brunia were expected to return from Orosz from their studies abroad with their two royal guards; Ludwig and Oliver. Leonhard and Leonora were extremely delighted, thrilled, and eager to witness the return of their beloved siblings. Leonora asked, "Leonhard since your dearest brother Bruno has already gone to Orosz for three months before, how did you handle all the excitement within you?" Leonhard shrugged and replied, "Let's just say that subtlety doesn't really help. I think that your dearest sister Brunia would prefer the usual you. I tried to be a good boy in front of dearest brother, but that just made him feel that I was avoiding him so just be yourself. I'm sure she would appreciate it."

Licha joined the conversation by saying, "Leo boy! Let me ask you this, did Brunie boy always pamper you more than required?" Leonhard responded, "Huh? No way, I am a grown man, I don't think that dearest brother babies me that much!" Licht jumped in and countered, "Come on, Leo! Brunie always babied him so much! One time, Brunie and I were in a huge fight, and when it was my moment with him for forgiveness and apology, Leo merely pouted and said that I got a pat on the head from Brunie and he didn't. He got super jealous and demanded me to make room for him!" Leonhard yelled, "Hey! I'm not the only one who wanted a pat from him! Even Kai asked for it!"

Kai approached them as he heard his name, along with Kaira and responded, "I was living in the moment, I got so emotional that even I requested Bruno for it. But since he was younger, I requested the Professor to do it for me." Kaira asked, "What happened after that?" Leonhard burst into laughter and answered, "I'm so glad you asked that Kaira! Because Heine was so short that even if he jumped, he couldn't reach Kai's head!" Everyone shared a laugh until the sound of the rattling carriage came into view. Followed by that, came the King Viktor, Queen Viktoria, and both the Professors to welcome the Prince and Princess.

The carriage came to a screeching halt at the palace gates, and the Prince and the Princess descended from the vehicle, followed by their royal guards. Before anyone could say anything, Leonhard and Leonora embraced their respective siblings and expressed the happiness of their arrival at the palace. The King greeted, "My son, it has been so long since we last spoke. I trust that you have been well, and you too, Princess Brunia." Bruno responded, "A pleasure to see you after so long, father. I have been doing very well, thank you for asking." Brunia added, "I too am grateful for sending both of us to pursue this incredible opportunity, my King. I can assure you that it was a worthwhile experience." The Queen acknowledged, "Glad to hear it, my dear! Now, the King and I have to attend to our duties while the eight of you and the Professors catch up. See you later, my dears!"

After their departure, Heidi pulled Oliver aside and asked, "You and Ludwig have done an excellent job! Now, I believe that since we last spoke, you were aspiring to eradicate the misunderstanding between you and the Princess, am I correct?" Oliver answered, "Yes. Thanks to you, everything has been sorted out now, we're good." Licha jumped in and asked, "Hey hotshot! What secret talk are you having with Heidi darling?" Oliver replied, "Nothing important, Princess." Licha raised an eyebrow and walked away silently.

After all the Princes and Princess concluded their welcome for Prince Bruno and Princess Brunia, Kaira asked, "I have heard that you and Bruno have received several accolades for your work abroad, is this true?" Brunia responded, "Yes, it's true! We both have poured in a lot of hard work for our contributions to our respective fields of study." Kai inquired, "Oh? I'm already aware that Bruno is a virgining young scholar in the field of sociology and philosophy. Would you care to tell me what your work is about?" Brunia smiled and answered, "It touches me that you care about my work, Prince Kai. My work is specifically dedicated to the field of biology." Professor Heidi joined the conversation and said frowningly, "Interesting. Your Highness neglected to write about such achievements in your letters." Professor Heine added, "Like Prince Bruno, all your correspondences are filled with 'Master this...' and 'Mistress that...'" Bruno gave out a little giggle and glanced at Brunia, who responded, "W-Well, I... I did not think that it was something I should say so myself..."

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