Chapter 42: The Reunion!

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As destined, Michael, Andrew, Chantel, and Aubrey arrived at the royal castle of Ofdain to commence their journey of slaving as the palace staff pay for their college fee. The carriage arrived at the palace gates rattling down the roads from Granzreich to Ofdain. The King, Queen, Prince, Princess Brunia, and both the Professors were at the entrance to welcome the newly employed palace staff.

As they descended the carriage and bowed in front of the King and Queen and greeted each other, their eyes widened with surprise at the sight of Brunia and both the Professors standing right in front of them. Michael squealed, "Brunia and the Professors?! What on earth are you guys doing here?" Brunia posed another question, "And what are you guys goings here?! This isn't Cusmta!" Andrew responded, "We know that, and we work here." Professor Heine screamed with surprise, "WHAT!? Why?" Chantel was fidgeting with her fingers while she spoke, "Umm... okay! How to put this gently... see that Bruno's wedding had assassins in it?" Brunia raised an eyebrow and asked, "Yeah, but what does that have to do with you being here?" Aubrey screamed, "Alright! Please cut out with the suspense and the awkwardness! That was us!" Brunia yelled, "You invaded in Bruno's wedding?!" Andrew responded, "Brunia, we really didn't have a choice there! Don't worry, Bruno is not married to Sennett; the wedding has been called off, and he is still alive and looking for you! The Princes and Princesses planned an elaborate escape with the help of Prince Leonhard's and Princess Leonora's superpowers and with the royal guards; Ludwig and Maximilian." Michael added, "We made a deal with the Princes and Princesses that they will help us in getting this job to pay for our college fee which can finally release us from our lives as helpless children. We were the ones who caught Sennett and found proof against her, but we requested that our names should not be portrayed on television; we want total privacy for us." Aubrey made a disgusted face and said, "Yeah, especially me!"

Professor Heidi asked in curiosity, "What on earth is that supposed to mean?" Chantel responded, "To get my hands on that tape, the administrator needed to be distracted so, Aubrey had to dress up as somebody who would--" Brunia screamed, "OKAY OKAY! I GET IT!" Michael raised an eyebrow and asked, "Wait, I don't get it. What do you mean by dressing up as someone who what?" Professor Heine bluntly replied, "What Chantel is trying to say is that Aubrey had to prostitute herself so that she could distract the manager, am I correct, Chantel?" Chantal nodded her head with approval, whereas Aubrey was hiding her face with embarrassment. Michael shrieked, "WHAT I THE BLAZES KIND OF A PLAN WAS THAT!? COULDN'T YOU THINK OF ANOTHER WAY!?" Chantel burst into laughter and responded, "Hey Michael! Don't worry, the plan was to drag him before any of that thing what you don't want to happen happened, so please relax man! Plus it was the only idea I could come up at the time, and it was not like Aubrey was excited to do it; plus, it was hilarious to watch that!"

Andrew looked at Brunia and questioned, "Anyhoo, we explained ourselves, I think it is about time that the three of you elucidate what is going on here." Brunia stepped forward and spoke, "The King here, Zibiah Von Ofdain; and the Queen, Noreena Von Ofdain are my biological parents. I didn't know that they were here for so many years, and by happenstance, I found out; the same goes for Mistress and Master being here."

The King proposed, "Why don't you guys visit the country mountains and go tubing together?" The Queen added, "Yes, that is a beautiful idea! You guys needn't start work from today, that is tomorrow's worry. Since the four of you are such good friends, you and the Professor's must take the carriage and spend the day there; I can promise you that it will be a worthwhile experience. In the meanwhile, the King and I will command our attendants to take your luggage to the servant quarters, is that okay?" Michael, Andrew, Chantel, and Aubrey squealed with glee and everyone dressed up in their winter outfits and took off to the mountains.

As they arrived at the establishment that rented tubes to slide down the soft snowy hill, they stopped by a restaurant first before commencing their recreational activity. They were seated by a hostess and were bought their order of soft drinks after a few minutes. Soon enough, even the main courses appeared. Andrew glanced at Aubrey's food and asked, "Yikes! Why do you have dry pasta, wouldn't you put some sauce or something?" Aubrey glared at Andrew and responded by tightening her mouth, "This was the only food item they had that didn't contain any tomatoes, milk, cheese, orange, capsicum or banana!" Andrew raised an eyebrow and looked at Michael for an explanation. Michael was trying to hide his laughter but then composed himself and answered, "Andrew, my girlfriend here is lactose intolerant and is allergic to everything except dry pasta." Andrew and Chantel burst into laughter, and soon enough, Michael found himself to do the same thing. Aubrey yelled in frustration, "HAHAHA! VERY FUNNY! NOW, CAN WE PLEASE MOVE ON!?"

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