Chapter 8.2: Most Solemn Studying

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Brunia proposed the question again, "Now, Leonora, what is 1+1?" Leonora answered after a while, "It's three." Everyone in the room was slumped with despair and felt pity for their dear sister. Licha pulled Brunia aside and spoke with anxiety, "Hang on! How can she take that test in three days, when she can't even add!? She has to score at least 60, or our cold-hearted mother would kick her out of the royal line of succession!!" Brunia answered, "I already told you, don't speak ill of our mother!" Professor Heidi stated, "The test consists of fundamental questions in language, arithmetic, history, and geography. The arithmetic section is worth the highest number of pints. It would be challenging to pass without it." Brunia responded, "I promised that I'd help her study, and I plan to make good out of my word. Now listen, Leonora, are you certain that 1+1 is three?" Leonora was thinking about the answer, and Licha encouraged her, "Come on! Think harder!" Leonora screamed with delight, "I've got it! It's 11, right?!"

Everybody thought, "Good God! We're in deep trouble!" Professor Heidi stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry, Princess, that's not how arithmetic works. If you don't know the answer, then perhaps try counting on your fingers.' Leonora responded, "Okay, I remember someone telling me that. Fine, let's see... 1+1... wait a minute... the answer is 2, right?" Professor Heidi nodded her head and said, "Yes, that's correct." Leonora spoke with pride, "Alright! Those sixty points are as good as mine!" Professor Heidi continued, "Alright! Now for a challenge, what is four plus three?" Leonora commenced counting on her fingers, after a while, she said with despair, "Good God! I don't have enough fingers!"

Professor Heidi scoffed, "Please observe. She doesn't even think to use her other hand. This should give you an insight on what my daily struggle looks like." Brunia responded, "My respect for you has reached a new height, Mistress." Licha acknowledged, "Forget about the test. Doesn't this bode poorly for her as a person?" Brunia replied, "Then, we must figure out a way to educate her." Kaira proposed a notion, "It's easier to learn when you mix things you like with the ones that you don't. Leonora is a very gifted athlete. She could run until she got each answer right." Leonora screamed, "What?! How can you even think that?" Professor Heidi added, "That would be a punishment." Kaira sat in the gloom and responded, "I'm no good at this, either." Professor Heidi consoled her by saying, "Do cheer up, Princess."

Licha recognized Kaira's notion and spoke, "Wait a minute... it's possible that Kaira might be on to something over here. I bet I could learn the formulas in one glance if they were written on the bouncy butt of a vigorous man! You admire Brunia far more than you like the Professor, right? How about you write the formulas across her bosom? You might actually like studying." Brunia thrashed up Licha and shouted, "LICHA! DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF!? WHAT A LEWD NOTION THIS IS!" Leonora replied, "Don't discount her, it seems like a good idea." Brunia answered furiously, "Do you want some thrashing too, Leonora?! You've been spending too much time with Licha! Anyways, I couldn't possibly prove to be a better educator than Mistress. The idea is completely absurd." Professor Heidi pointed out, "You should certainly try it. There is a chance that it might work." Brunia turned around with a gleam in her eye and said with excitement, "Please leave it to me, Mistress! I won't let you down!"

Brunia sat down with Leonora and explained, "Straight to the point, then. Listen, Leonora, when adding, there are some cases that the sum might be two digits. We use the carry forward method. But while adding two-digit numbers, you start while adding the numbers at the right column." Leonora was lost in her own thoughts, and she thought with a gleam in her eyes, "She's saying such complicated things! Brunia never fails to impress me with her academic prowess! Woooooow!!! She's so smart!" Brunia noticed Leonora and asked with concern, "Are you paying attention, Leonora?" Leonora came back to her senses and uttered, "Huh?" Brunia continued with her explanation, and Leonora again thought, "Perfection! Dearest sister Brunia, you have my utmost respect!" Leonora snapped back into her senses and screamed while running towards the window, "No! I cannot concentrate on my studies with dearest sister Brunia around me! She's too amazing! Arithmetic is the last thing on my head! I can't do sums with Brunia in my head!" Professor Heidi thought, "A love and complex reserves for Princess Brunia alone?" Brunia approached Leonora and consoled her, "I don't understand what went wrong. I'm incredibly sorry to have failed you, dear sister."

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