They are Happy to see you

Start from the beginning


Hosea isn't so much like an excited puppy but he is still happy to see you. He will greet you with a warm smile and a hug, giving you a quick kiss either on the lips or your temple. You will spend the day together, just somewhere quiet in the camp while you both caught up about everything that happened over the days you were out of the camp. It was good to be together again. Hosea isn't too obvious with the increased physical affection. He isn't going to grab you and kiss you in front of everyone but expect a lot more forehead kisses than usual, or kisses to the cheek, temple, top of the head, or back of the hand. You will spend the evening at the campfire, talking quietly between yourselves with his arm wrapped around you, before retiring for the night.


No matter how long you've been together, Kieran will always be a little bit nervous and flustered to see you after you've been away for a while. He wants nothing than to run to you and pull you into an embrace but he doesn't want to do it in front of the gang and he isn't sure if you would welcome it. So he kind of waits for you to greet him. Please just pull this man into a warm hug and kiss him sweetly, he missed you more than you could imagine! He will pretty much follow you around he camp all day, just wanting your company more than usual because he had missed you. He would like to just sit with you for a while and catch up, preferably sharing some kisses while doing so. He missed you so much!


John wouldn't notice that you were back at first, he would be too distracted by something. But as soon as he sees you, he feels a hundred times better. His face lit up immediately. He would rush towards you, accepting your embrace instantly. You would both spend the rest of the day together on the camp, talking and laughing as you caught up with each other. You normally told each other every thing so there was a lot to catch up on. Finally the two of you would return to your shared tent, the tent that John has found so empty without you sleeping beside him.


Bill isn't good at talking about his feelings but you knew that he missed you. You would greet him with an embrace, which he welcomed but wouldn't initiate. However, he will be around you at all times. If you're talking to somebody, he is waiting for them to leave so that he could get some time with you.  If you're sitting and drinking at the campfire, he will be sitting right beside you. After having a few drinks, Bill becomes more relaxed and wants to be even closer to you. He will have you sitting on his lap at the campfire, his arm wrapped around your waist, you weren't going anywhere. He will definitely start pressing kisses to your neck. The sooner you get some alone time so that he can 'be with you' again, the better. Otherwise he might just started groping you right there at the campfire.


Lenny's face lit up as soon as he saw you walking back into the camp, a huge smile appearing on his face. No matter what the day had been like, he would just be happy to see you again. He would be out of his seat in an instant and wakes up to you. He would wrap his arms around your waist, holding you against him as you hugged him back. The two of you would share a lingering kiss before he helped you with your belongings. Finally the two of you could sit together and catch up on everything you missed. The chances are that you would both go for a walk outside of the camp, your hand in his. You just missed each a lot and are glad to be together again. Prepare for a lot of cute kisses, he just can't get enough since he had gone without them for so long.


Leopold will definitely be happy to see you but doesn't like to show it around the other members of the camp. He will get a little flustered when you greet him. A smile on your face as you pulled him into and embrace and kissed his cheek, telling him how much you missed him. He will return the gesture and tell you that he missed you as well. But he would talk to you some more and be more affectionate once you were alone together. Once you were both sitting in your favourite spot, just on the outskirts of the camp where it was quieter, he would be holding your hand in his while he brushed his thumb against your knuckles and talked to you. The two of you catching up on everything that you missed while you were gone. He was glad to have you back to talk to, he preferred your company more than anyone else's.


Sadie really missed you, it was strange that she wasn't even with you when you left for the job. You usually work everything together but this time you had to go alone. When you got back, she would approach you and wrap her arms around around you, pulling you into a loving embrace. She would press a kiss to your temple before helping you put your belongings away and taking you to get some food or something to drink, whatever you wanted. She was just happy to have you by her side as well. You would spend the whole day together, catching up and laughing together. You would both sit together at a table, her hand on yours, as you drank and talked together. The evening would be spent sharing loving kisses and pleasant conversation. That night, you fell asleep in each other's arms. Just the way it should be.


This man had been prepared for your return since you left. He already has a 'welcome back' gift ready for you. As soon as you step foot into camp, he is there to pull you into a loving embrace and welcome you back. Then he would give you your gift. If you bring a gift back from your travels for Josiah, he will be beaming for the rest of the day. He thinks it just adorable that you would buy him a gift. He will be extra affection, calling you by pet names and kissing the top of your head whenever he can. He will constantly sneak kisses, making you laugh and smile. Get ready for your date! Because you're going to be going on one. He will pull out all the stops to show you how much he missed you and how happy he was to see you again.


Orville is a little hesitant about initiating some sort of grand 'welcome home', no matter how long you've been together, but he does want to be closer to you. He will give you the usual embrace and quick kiss as he welcomes you back to the camp. He's just happy to spend time with you. Spending the evening listening to Javier play the guitar while you say together and talked. Then spending the night in each other's embrace, speaking softly and sharing sweet kisses as you fell asleep in each other's arms. Just some cuddling is enough to make him happy.


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