|20| ~Rejection Denied~

Start from the beginning

That's exactly why, I need to get Embry out of here and far away from them all.

If another issue arises with Embry and a vampire I'm not sure if I would be able to control my monster urge to kill for her.

Friend or no friend my monster want's to rid the world of any threat to her life.

She was almost killed, twice in the matter of days, and he feels like I'm the one to blame.

In away, he's right.

This is the main reason why my monster and I are not seeing eye to eye.

Usually, I get along with the voice inside of my head. Unlike other vampires my monster and I have always been on the same accord. We are one. At least we were, but it appears that everything has changed now that Embry is in our life.

His connection to her wolf means more to him than his connection with his other half.

The issue is my monster wants to stake his claim on her but I do not.

I mean I do, but I can't.

Now, don't get me wrong. Embry is beautiful inside and out. I've just meet her and even I can tell that she's a sweet girl, who always looks for the best in a situation and in people including me.

Her presence is haunting. I can feel her touch, when she's not even there. No matter, how hard I try it appears that I can't get her out of my head.

She has done a number on me without doing anything to me, which doesn't make a lick of sense.

To be honest, I don't even understand how. She's too soft, and I don't do soft.

I hate the fact that she has the tendency to give away her trust too easily. Shit like that can get you killed. No one in this world is a good guy. We are all villains.

There is no such thing as happy endings. It's kill or be killed. That's just the way the world works.

This is why, I've done nothing but tried to break her spirit since I've met her. I'm trying to teach her how to protect herself and my monster is starting to resent me because of it.

I mean I do understand his reluctance. She is the woman of our dreams.

Any man would be blessed to be paired with a woman like her but the world that we live in will never accept her as my Queen and if she continues to wear her emotions on her sleeve.

She will always be in danger.

She's too gentle and kind, which I can't have. Kindness is a weakness in our world.

If I have to be the bad guy for toughing Embry up, then so be it. Her porcelain skin needs to grow a few layers.

Having thick skin is an advantage but Embry isn't build like that and that's just another reason why I can't stake my claim on her milky skin. Let's not forget that she's a werewolf and I'm a vampire.

Wolves and vampires are like water and oil. We just don't mix.

My kind has declared war with against her kind. Correction, I declared war against her kind. Her people will end her if they find out what she is to me. She-wolf or not.

I don't even think her legendary family would be able to look past our union.

My kind will not and that is a fact.

Plus, I have Ravana to think about. I have already broken her heart on one too many occasions and I made a promise to myself that I would never do that to her again.

Captured By A Ruthless Vampire King (Book 2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now