John Marston: Since we were Kids Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Oh...okay, sure" John nodded as he looked down at you again. "What is it?" he asked, this time waiting for you to answer.

You paused for a moment. Before you had been so sure that John would actually be happy about the news that you were about to give him but now you were starting to worry about how he would react. Why were you nervous all of a sudden?!

"I'm pregnant, you're going to be a dad" you told him with a small smile, waiting for a response.

"Pregnant? Are you sure?" John asked, his eyes widening slightly.

"Yeah. I've had my suspicions for a little while but I didn't want to tell you until I was sure. I'm definitely pregnant" you nodded, still waiting to see how he was going to react.

Suddenly, a bright smile appeared on John's face. He wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you off of the ground in his embrace as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He captured your lips with his, and you instantly returned his kiss.

"This is such great news" John told you as he pulled away from the kiss, his smile still as bright as it was before. "You're amazing" he gushed before pressing another kiss to your lips. "I love you" he smiled again before giving you yet another kiss, your feet still weren't on the ground.

"I love you too" you smiled before leaning in and giving him another kiss. "I'm so glad that you're happy" you confessed as your feet finally landed on the ground again, your arms still wrapped around each other.

"Of course I am" John beamed at you. As you looked up at your husbands smiling face, you just couldn't wait to have a family with him.


That night, you were laying in bed with John. You were laying with your head on his chest and your arm draped over his waist while he held you against him with his arms wrapped around you.

"Can I be honest with you?" John asked quietly as he ran his fingers through your hair.

"Of course" you spoke against his chest, enjoying the feeling of him playing with your hair.

"I'm...I'm a little afraid about having a baby" John confessed. You lifted your head to see his face and he instantly panicked, not wanting to worry you. "Don't get me wrong. I am excited and I couldn't be happier but it's a little...scary" he explained, not wanting you to think that he didn't want the child, he definitely did want to start a family with you.

"John, don't worry, I'm not mad about you being afraid. I'm afraid too. It's a huge life changing event but we'll be okay. You're going to be an amazing father, I know it" you assured him, smiling softly up at him. You could practically feel John relax at your words.

"We're having a baby" John said as if you could've forgotten, a smile growing on his face.

"Yes we are" you smiled back at him.

John's hand rested on the back of your head, his fingers threading through your hair, as he gently pulled your head down. Your lips finally met his in a slow kiss, the both of you smiling into it. His other arm wrapped securely around your waist as he rolled you both over so that you were laying on your back and he was hovering over you. Your hands rested on either side of his neck, you thumbs brushing against his jaw.


Arthur was sitting at one of the tables in the camp when you and John started to walk over to him. You had both decided to wait a little while until you told everyone about your pregnancy, wanting to keep it between yourselves for a little while, but now you both thought it was time to tell Arthur. You would tell the others after him, but you wanted him to know first since he was your brother.

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