Namjoon IV.

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[Namjoon x Lisa]


Namjoon's gaze was focused on Hoseok's broad hand that seemed to have permanently glued itself over Lisa's slender ones, under the table.

He was smiling brightly as always, maybe even more than usual because of the girl's presence, but the leader could see the nervousness in the dancer's eyes.

Not only him, the rest of the group also had the same troubled look in their gaze, which they couldn't hide even if they tried to.

It was understandable.

Afterall, none of the boys knew where they stood. They all wanted the same thing, or rather the same person, and no one knew what exactly was running inside Lisa's head at the moment.

It was clear as day that she truly cared for all of them. But who was she romantically interested in?

Not even Namjoon knew.

Not that he was hoping for anything. Really. He was fine with the way things were between them.

He was fine.

As long as it was the six of them.

As long as she ended up with any of the other six, he was okay. Because he knew them through and through, and trusted them with his life.

He trusted them to make her happy and care for her the way he would have.

So really, he was fine.

He was just fine. All dandy and fine.

He was..


Namjoon blinked and quickly raised his eyes, only to be met with Lalisa's clear hazel orbs, making his heart almost jump out of his chest. He had to stifle a surprised sound from coming out of his lips.

Did she have any idea about how breathtakingly gorgeous she was?

"Yes, Lili?" The male sent a smile towards the girl who was a few couple of seats away from him, staring with a concerned expression on her face. She tilted her head, as if to ask if he was alright.

Joon nodded his head reassuringly, before turning to his left where Jungkook was sitting.

He didn't want her to see his face.

The thing with Lili was that she had this uncanny ability to sense if someone around her was feeling down. She was highly empathic and absorbs other people's emotions as if they were her own. Then she instinctively reacts and makes it her business to make them feel better again.

He was aware that it was one of the main things that attracted them to her.

Each of the boys had their own pain and struggles, and she easily recognized that. She took down their protective barriers, embraced every part of their being, even the broken pieces, and shared with them her light.

And Namjoon was drawn to her. To her fiery light, like a moth to flame. And even though it burned his wings, even though it hurt him, he just couldn't stay away from her.

Seven Times [Lisa X BTS] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now