Chapter 13. Back on Track.

Start from the beginning

They reach the beach and rest for a moment. David does push-ups while they wait. 

"So, now that you have a Pokemon, what are you going to catch next?" Kyla asks Jenny.

"I am not sure. Water Pokemon are a dime a dozen." Jenny replies.

Just then a sound echos across the water, followed by similar sounds. 

David stands and stretches. "Right on time."

"Oh, cause this was part of your plan for the morning." Kyla says sarcastically.

"Actually, it was." David points to a pack of Lapras coming closer. "I have been watching this pack of Lapras since I came in on the ship."

Jenny piers out to see twelve Lapras swimming towards them. "Well, that seems like a good start."

"I needed one of these for my collection too." David says.

Kyla throws a Pokeball and out pops Gyarados. "Gyarados, herd about three of the largest Lapras this way."

Gyarados looks out at the pack of Lapras and then looks back at Chaz.

Chaz shrugs and grunts.

Gyarados turns back and takes off in the direction of the Lapras.

"Golduck!" Jenny calls her Pokemon out.

"Dragonite!" David throws a Pokeball and out pops a massive Dragonite.

"Chaz, I am sorry, but Gyarados is the best choice here." Kyla turns to Chaz.

Chaz shrugs and lays on the beach, enjoying the sounds of the waves.

Gyarados swims out and roars at the Lapras. They respond with screams of their own in defiance. Gyarados gets instantly pissed and fires a Hydro Pump into the pack, separating three of them from the others. Gyarados continues to do this, herding them towards the beach. One turns and fires an Ice Beam at Gyarados, who responds with a Flamethrower melting the Ice Beam before it can reach him. The other two Lapras reach the beach and Jenny and David engage in battle with them, while Gyarados continues to tangle with the third.

"Gyarados, Bind!" Kyla shouts.

Gyarados wraps around the Lapras and hold tight.

"Thunder attack!" Kyla shouts.

Electricity sparks from Gyarados as lighting hits Lapras hard. Lapras screams in pain.

Meanwhile, Dragonite follows in-suite and hits him Lapras with a Thunder attack. Golduck hit its Lapras with a Hyper Beam.

Gyarados drags Lapras to the beach, while it attempts to fight back. Lapras uses Surf, fighting hard to stay away from the beach. 

"Gyarados, show Lapras the strength of Dragon Rage!" Kyla shouts.

Gyarados roars and engage his Dragon Rage, the water swirls around them and Gyarados uses the momentum to throw Lapras crashing onto the beach.

"Iron Tail!" Kyla shouts.

Gyarados charges the beach and uses the momentum to slam Lapras against a palm tree, cracking it in half.

"Finish it off with with a Thunder Wave!" Kyla orders.

Gyarados hits Lapras with a Thunder Wave, paralyzing it.

Kyla throws a Pokeball and captures the Lapras. "Good job, Gyarados!"

Gyarados roars happily.

Kyla goes and picks up Lapras' Pokeball, then turns to see how the other two are doing. David seems to have been finished with his battle for a while now, however, Jenny is still locked in battle with her Lapras.

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