The unexpected slap

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The rays of sunlight filtered through the big windows of the classroom. A first look inside the class would make one think that the class was empty, but if one looked more carefully one could spot a small figure at the last seat of the second row bent over what looked like a book. The figure belonged to Alandria. She was 17 years old and she was a very shy girl. She had blue eyes, wavy shoulder-length auburn hair, and a small face. She almost looked child-like. Alandria was what others called a bookworm but that never bothered her. She knew everyone saw her as a nerd, but who gets the best marks in the class? The nerd! Alandria! The very thought of working hard and being rewarded with amazing grades made Alandria forget the names that some of her classmates used to call her. She didn't have any close friends as well, but some people in the class were friendly to her...especially those who needed help with their classwork or homework. Alandria did not mind helping them as long as they did not annoy her.

As usual, she was sitting in the classroom 20 minutes before class even started to review the lesson that they would be doing while everybody was having fun outside.

The door burst open suddenly and a tall guy walked in...but no matter how tall he was, he was still only a few inches taller than Alandria. The young girl's eyes looked up. When she saw who it was she stared at him for two seconds before letting her eyes go back to her book, her face red. She knew him. Everybody knew him in the class...or school. His name was Zayden...or the hot Zayden. He was a good-looking guy with light-brown golden hair that always looked a bit messy. His eyes were dark brown and showed much confidence. Zayden the sort of guy nobody wanted to fight with. He did not talk much. His grades were not excellent, but he was a very intelligent young man. He excelled in sports and he would always win in debates and spelling bee competitions. He liked to stay in his small circle of friends...which consisted of only 2 guys. One of them had long brown hair that reached his chest and an oval face with droopy eyes. Alandria thought that he would fall asleep any second. The second one had a round-shaped face and two protruding front teeth. Alandria always called him Bugs her mind of course. No one dared to mess with them. They were weird...they stayed around Zayden almost all the time and were not friendly at all...just like Zayden.

Zayden approached Alandria's desk.

*What does he want?* Alandria thought as she forced herself not to look at him, *Go away...Go play with Bugs Bunny or something...*

She felt the heat rise in her cheeks as he stood there in front of her like a statue.

"Hey" he began in his husky voice, "It's my place."

Alandria found the courage to look into his eyes. Her heartbeat was faster now. This was the first time he was talking to her. His voice was enticing...she found him handsome...just like the rest of the class...but he did not seem like he wanted to become best friends with her anytime soon.

"It's...not...your place...I know you sit in the first row...." Alandria managed to say.

*Wow! Did I just reply to him?* Alandria thought, feeling impressed at her sudden courage.

Zayden 's gaze lingered on her.

* he going to slap me...?*

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" he said as he lifted his eyebrow.

* I am in trouble!* Alandria thought as she took a deep breath.

"I mean..."

"You mean you're going to get up and leave. Now."

His tone was a faint one but she could feel a menace in it. He sounded very authoritative. Alandria on her part had had enough. She was going to stand up for herself this time! No more shyness! She would speak this time! She was not afraid of him...not at all...

"It's my place. I always sit here during Economics cannot...tell leave...." Alandria said in a wobbly tone.

She could hear each of her heartbeats! Her hands and legs were shaking! She had never dared to say anything like that before!

"Now listen to me you little bug..." he began as he grabbed the edge of her chair.

Alandria noticed that while they were talking Bugs Bunny, along with the other students, entered the class. They were all staring at the two most different people in the world... getting into a fight.

"Zayden, any problem?" the droopy-eyed boy asked.

"No" Zayden replied coldly.

Why didn't she just leave already? Where was all of this courage coming from?

"Get the hell up!" Zayden ordered.


Everybody had stopped doing whatever the hell they were doing to watch the pair.

"Get up!"

"Why...I will tell the teacher..."

"You get up now!"

"No!" Alandria retorted.

"I SAID GET UP!" Zayden roared, slapping his hand on the table.

"NO!" Alandria cried.

*Who the hell do you think you are? Just because you're handsome, you're cool, you're hot, you have gorgeous eyes, you uh...anyway, you think you have the right to order people around???* Alandria thought as she clenched her fist.


"I SAID NO!" Alandria roared.

Zayden kicked the desk with his leg vigorously, making Alandria jump from her seat. The table fell next to them with a din and Alandria was left looking at Zayden with huge eyes, feeling shell-shocked. All her books and pens fell on the floor. Zayden approached her and snatched her glasses. The next moment he dropped them on the ground and trampled on them with his right foot, his eyes buried in hers.

"When I speak, I expect you to do whatever the fuck I say."

"You bloody rascal!" Alandria said with gritted teeth, feeling her body shake with anger.

The next thing she knew her palm flew to his face with an unknown energy and everybody in the class gasped.

Zayden put his hands on his now red cheek as he stared at Alandria with red eyes.

*I think I fucked up*Alandria thought as she gulped.

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