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Sorry for the long wait for this chapter, I've been a bit busy lately...school is annoying

Luckily I'm graduating this year ahahahaha


"Taehyung, you're on register duty," Seokjin pointed at the register at the front of the cafe. "You know how to work that, right?"

Taehyung pouted, nodding sadly, "Yeah...I do..."

The brunette raised an eyebrow, turning to Jungkook, confused, "What's wrong with him?"

"He wanted to do cool stuff like baking and making drinks!" Jungkook giggled, sticking his tongue out at Taehyung, mocking him. "You owe me ten dollars, Taehyungie!"

Seokjin snickered, "You made a bet on this and lost it?" he pursed his lips, trying to prevent himself from laughing harder. "I wouldn't trust you baking quite yet."

Taehyung whined, crossing his arms over his chest, "What will Jungkook be doing then?" he asked, ignoring the fact that Seokjin doesn't trust him in the kitchen. He's not that bad of a cook!

"He's gonna clean tables and serve. We're not trying to be like Starbucks! Too chaotic..." Seokjin began rambling. "People are always crowding the station! I'm always afraid someone's gonna take my drink.."

"Why do you know how bad Starbucks is if you run your own cafe...?" Taehyung questioned.

Seokjin scoffed, "I wouldn't go in there! I have an idiot friend that does! He rants about it all the time!"

When Taehyung's attention was off Starbucks, Jungkook poked his side, "I'll be doing cooler stuff than you!"

Hoseok snuck up behind Jungkook, tickling his sides, making the bunny hybrid try to squirm away from him, "Jungkookie, you could help me make drinks!"

"He gets to help Hoseok but I can't bake!" Taehyung complained. How come Jungkook gets to do the cool things?

Seokjin rolled his eyes playfully, "Well, we need someone to run the register...that just so happens to be you because I don't wanna do it!"

"Wow." Taehyung muttered, biting his bottom lip as he resumed his pouting. "I see who your favorite is now."

"Can you blame me?" Seokjin smiling brightly, squishing Jungkook's cute cheeks. "Look at him!"

Convinced, Taehyung nodded, letting up with the bratty attitude, "You've got a point."

Jungkook giggled, running to Taehyung to cling onto his arm. The blonde smiled, rubbing his bunny ears, putting the cutest smile on Jungkook's face. Taehyung would do anything to make sure he was always happy and smiling. 

The cafe owner suddenly clapped his hands, looking around quickly to make sure everything was in place, "Are we ready to open?"

Hoseok nodded, then gasped dramatically, "No! Jungkookie hasn't had any training yet!"

"Ah, you're right!" Seokjin agreed, waving his hand for Jungkook to follow him. "C'mere, Kookie, I'll give you a quick bit of training. It won't be hard, I promise."

Seokjin went over what Jungkook had to do as quickly as possible. They were already a few minutes late for opening, but luckily not many people came in right after they opened. Jungkook didn't say much, just nodded as the brunette spoke fast.

"Got it!" Jungkook smiled, bouncing excitedly. "This will be easy!"

Taehyung smiled proudly. He was expecting Jungkook to be nervous about the job - about the fact that he'd be surrounded by people he didn't know. Maybe being around someone that cares deeply for him helped him out of that thick shell. 

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