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I'm sorry for the long wait for this chapter! I really took my time writing it hehe

Anyways, the next chapter is the final! On the bright side, there will be an epilogue!!

What are your thoughts so far?


March's weather was possibly Jungkook's favorite. Cold but significantly warmer than February. He picked up a new hobby as well; baking. 

One slow afternoon, Seokjin asked Jungkook if he'd like to bake with him. Of course Jungkook said yes and joined him. 

While they were rolling out cookie dough Jungkook decided to be a little brat. He threw flour at Seokjin's face while he was concentrating.

Let's just say the kitchen was a mess that day.

He found this hobby more entertaining than sitting outside - despite his love for the outdoors. This kept him busy so he didn't accidentally think of something - or someone - he didn't want to think about.

However, everyday he found himself waking up excited. "Taehyung's coming home!" would chant in his head for minutes after awakening. 

It's currently March 19th - the first day of spring. For some reason, today felt especially lucky. Usually for the past month he'd yell at himself for getting his hopes up. Seokjin and Hoseok had been doing a great job of distracting him and he didn't want their efforts to go to waste.

Today they had something planned for them to celebrate the beginning of spring. Apparently winter was their least favorite season and they were thankful it was finally over.

The bunny sat in bed lazily, playing with his ears on top of his head before he was interrupted by a loud knock. Suddenly, the door was shot open and a screeching Hoseok entered, bouncing on his bed. 

"Wake up! It's time to get up!" the dog hybrid yelled, shaking Jungkook with his excessive bouncing.

"Whyyyyy..." Jungkook complained and tried to push Hoseok off the bed.

Hoseok plopped down next to him, "We're going somewhere fun! The faster you get up, the quicker we get there!" 

With a groan, Jungkook sat up in the bed and threw the first pair of clothes he saw onto his bed, "Okay, I'm getting ready now."

The dog hybrid nodded his head and quickly left, "Don't take too long!"

"I'll try." Jungkook responded after the door closed and he began changing his clothes. He looked in the mirror hanging on his wall and nodded in approval.

After finishing up in the bathroom, he met the two brunettes in the living room. He spread his arms, showing off his outfit, "Done."

"Sweet, let's go." Seokjin grinned and stood from the couch.

"Where are we going?" Jungkook asked once they got situated in the car and they pulled into the street.

Seokjin eyed the boy through the rear-view mirror, "Somewhere really cool."

Jungkook turned to Hoseok, "Should I be scared of that?"

Hoseok shook his head and tried to contain his laugh, "Usually I'd say yes but today's an exception."

The bunny chewed his lip in thought, staring out the window. They entered the highway, surrounded by trees that captured Jungkook's attention.

"It's a lengthy drive, but it's totally worth it." Seokjin hinted, his eyes glinting.

WINTER//TAEKOOKOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora