The Force's Children

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Hello everyone! School is back in session around here so good luck to those that are back in class. I do hope you enjoy this chapter. 


Three months had passed without much to do. The rebels continued to search for a permanent base while continuing to mess with the Empire. Hera was enjoying her new position as Phoenix Leader knowing it was an honor but wasn't fully enjoying the stress it added on her family. However no matter how many meetings she has the Ghost crew stood by her. 

"So glad to be home," she muttered walking up the ship's ramp, past a meditating Ezra.

"Mom?" He questioned opening his eyes, sensing her stress.

The pilot whirled around and glared at the poor boy.


She didn't mean to snap but she was tired. 

"Are you okay?" He asked getting to his feet. 

"Yes, I'm fine, just a long meeting," she responded. "Now if you'll excuse me I have some ship diagnostics to run."

"But Dad already did it," Ezra responded.

"Oh he did, did he?"

Ezra nodded now slightly scared at her tone. 

"Yes, he figured you would be exhausted after your meeting so the rest of us took care of your chore list today."

Like a switch had been flipped, Hera's mood softened. She felt a few tears slip out but quickly wiped them away.

"That's so sweet of you guys but I am more than capable of being able to handle a simple chore list. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go find your father."

And like that the switch flipped back. Ezra could only stare as the pilot turned on her heel and climbed up the ladder.

"Huh, Dad was right."

Kanan POV

I was in the cockpit running the last of the ship's diagnostic and waiting for Hera to return from her meeting. 


Ah there's my lovely bride.

"Yes Dear," I asked spinning around to face her as she climbed up the ladder. 

"Don't yes Dear me, why are you doing my chore list?" She fumed slightly.

I smirked slightly before schooling my expression.

"Well, you need your rest after a stressful meeting."

"Rest? I don't need to rest," Hera stated crossing her arms. "I can handle myself."

"Hera," I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose. 

We seem to be having this argument at least once a week. 

 "You're three months pregnant. That means you need to take care of yourself, so you can take care of the baby. I know you don't want to be slowed down and seem like you can't do things like normal, so I'm not going to ask you to. Instead, I'm asking to let us help you." 

She studied my face for a few moments before starting to cry.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me."

"You're pregnant, your emotions are all over the place. No one blames you for being a little crazy," I chuckled bringing her into a hug.

I felt her sigh breathing in the scent of my shirt.

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