A New Friend Part Two

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I do hope you guys enjoy this chapter. 

Ezra POV

Ion scoring isn't my  favorite chore but right now it beats having to listen to Dad and Rex argue about my training. It's not my fault I can use the force, in fact I was serious when I said I didn't want to be a solider or a Jedi. I just wanted to be Ezra, a normal thirteen year old boy. As I watched the others leave, Dad turned around and touched our bond sending comfort.

"We'll talk later Little Light," he promised.

I sighed sitting down.

"Chopper?" I said looking over to the droid. "Do you ever miss when it was just you, me, Mama and Papa?

"Yes, more fun," he beeped at me continuing his work.

I sighed fiddling with the tool. Things sure were less complicated.

"I wish I could go back," I whispered. "At least back then Dad wasn't as stressed and he would actually get to teach me something. Now it's Rebellion this and Rebellion that. You must be strong to be a solider, a solider can shoot, aim then fire, Jedi are kind to all and what not. I'm sick of it!"

"Ez...slow down you're ranting," Chopper beeped tapping my head.

"Thanks Buddy," I smiled rubbing my head. "Come on, let's get this finished."

About an hour later, we were done and walking into the common room.

"I'm glad that's over," I said plopping down on to the couch.

Chopper beeped his agreement.

"You know, it's pretty quiet without the others, wonder if they have found the generators yet?"

"Not sure, but incoming transmission," Chopper said as he started beeping.

"Who would be calling you?" I chuckled.

"This is the broken horn is anyone out there. We are in need of assistance. I repeat this is the broken horn..."

"Broken horn? That's Vizago's ship," I said getting to my feet.

"He's in trouble," Chopper said. "Good, me no like him."


Ezra gave the droid a strange look before rolling his eyes.

"Now now Chop, if it's one thing I have learned from Dad is that I'm a Jedi and Jedi help those in need. Let's go!" He said running out the door.

Chopper sighed in frustration and rolled after the young teen, muttering about scary jedi and scarier pilots.

Five minutes later Chopper was still trying to convice Ezra that taking the Phantom was a bad idea.

"Hera kill, she kill me and kill you! Bad idea, not good Ezra!"

"Chopper for the last time, my mother will not kill us, ground us maybe, but not kill. Besides we owe Vizago a favor and this should square us," Ezra said turning to the controls and firing the engines.

"You can fly right?" The little droid asked.

"Of course I can fly," the teen said pushing on the controls and cringed as the ship groaned against the port.

"That is, I'm still learning," he said once he they were free from the Ghost.

Chopper POV

I didn't know it was possible for droids to feel fear but as the Phantom groaned, I knew that the wrath of Hera Jarrus would be unavoidable. I sighed in relief as we got into the air and heading for space.

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