Legacy Part 6

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Hello, my friends! I know it has been a long time since I updated, and I am so sorry! Please enjoy the wrap-up of Legacy! 


Hera's POV

I let out a low groan as another brutal contraction ripped through my abdomen. Sweat beaded on my brow, and I struggled to catch my breath.

"Seems like you're in a bit of a hurry to meet the galaxy, huh, kid?" I whispered, trying to keep my voice steady despite the pain.

A wave of agony washed over me, and I gritted my teeth, squeezing Kanan's hand tightly. He had reappeared with a shell-shocked Ezra in tow.

"How is he..." I asked through our strong bond as Kanan handed over his lightsaber to replace Ezra's blaster. "Is he hurt?"

Kanan shook his head, his face etched with concern. "Physically, no. But emotionally... he's shaken and in shock."

The sense of danger flared in the Force, and my stomach twisted into knots. Kanan dropped to the ground, shielding us both as blaster shots whizzed by overhead.

"How long till Chopper gets here," Kanan muttered, his voice strained with exertion. "I can't carry you both."

But before I could even move, the Phantom appeared overhead with its hatch open and guns blazing.

"Chopper to the rescue! Take that, you Imperial scum!" The murder bot chimed in triumph.

Kanan couldn't help but snort before making a mad dash for the ship. I struggled to get up, but the pain was too much. Before I could try again, Kanan was at my side, scooping me into his arms.

"Don't worry, Love, I've got you," he said reassuringly.

Neutral POV

Hera couldn't stop the blush that crept up her cheeks as she was swept into Kanan's arms and carried towards the waiting ship. Once safely inside, Kanan yelled for Chopper to take off while firing back at the stormtroopers.

Chopper uttered a few more insults as he expertly maneuvered the ship and blasted away from danger. As they flew, Hera's pain seemed to lessen slightly, and she sighed in relief.

"Hera?" Kanan asked, gently setting her down on one of the folding chairs in the ship's cramped interior.

"The pain has subsided for now," she replied, taking deep breaths to calm herself. "But what about Ezra?"

Kanan moved to pick up his son, who was still in a daze and staring into space. Concern furrowed both their brows as they shared a worried look.

"Are you sure he's not hurt?" Hera whispered, leaning closer to examine her son.

Kanan shielded Ezra from any potential danger, holding him close and trying to comfort him.

"I...I don't know," he admitted with frustration.

Hera reached out through the Force and gently probed at her son's mind.

"Sweetie?" she called out softly.

Ezra's mind jolted in surprise at the contact.

"It's okay, just me," Hera reassured him, sending calming waves through their bond.

Ezra's shields lowered slightly, but Hera's heart sank as she felt overwhelming fear and distrust of her son.

"It's alright, Ezra. You're safe with us. Dad and I are here for you," she coaxed, hoping to break through his mental barriers.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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