Teenage Trouble Part Two

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Please Enjoy the next chapter. 

Kanan POV

Going into the kitchen, I started searching for an ice pack.

"Hi Dad!"

Jumping slightly I looked over my shoulder to see Sabine.

"Hey! When did you get back?"

"About twenty minutes ago, Mom wanted a debrief on the mission. Also she is not entirely happy."

"Why's that?" I asked trying to play dumb.

"Something about Ezra attacking a group of kids," she said noticing the ice pack in my hand. "He did, didn't he?"

"Yes, in self defense," I said. "According to Ezra, one of them tackled him to ground and reopened the wound on his side."

"Poor Ez," she crossed her arms.

"Yes, so please don't tease him and warn Zeb and Chopper to take it easy for a few days. How much time do I have before..."


"Never mind, will you take this to your brother please."

"Will do," she said walking out the door as Hera marched in.

I have seen my wife angry before but this time she was livid.

"Hera, before you say anything," I started.

"Oh no, the days of you protecting him are done," she ranted.

"Really? You're not going to hear his side?"

"Kanan, he nearly killed three other boys," she said crossing her arms. "They reported to the med bay with bruises on their necks saying that Ezra attacked them and held them against the wall. Kanan you're supposed to be teaching him to control his anger, not lash out."

"What do you think I have been doing!"

I couldn't help the next words that came out of my mouth.

"Hera I have told you a thousand times. Ezra attracts trouble, he doesn't go looking for it. I have stood by him and I will continue to do so. Those kids got him first and granted he could have walked away but I don't think it would have made a difference. Those boys attacked my son first, so if anyone should be angry it's me. At least I heard him out before passing judgment."

I could sense Hera was thinking over what I said.

"Where is he?" She finally asked.

"His room."

Hera POV

After hearing what Ezra had done, I was embarrassed and furious. I was embarrassed because the report came while we were still in the meeting which made me furious, at who I didn't know. The boys for saying that my son would randomly attack them, my son for doing so or my husband for not doing enough to help the boy. Commander Sato quickly dismissed the meeting and I made a beeline for the Ghost.

After having a heated conversation with Kanan, the fire I had diminished. Opening Ezra's door the fire went completely out. He was laying on his uninjured with Sabine holding the ice pack to his face. The girl looked up hearing the door open, but I smiled showing I had come in peace.

"He's dozing right now," Sabine whispered beckoning me closer. "Dad had me give him some pain killers."

Nodding, I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I can take it from here. After that crazy mission, you deserve a shower and some rest of your own."

I could see the internal battle but I guess the exhaustion won out.

"Okay, but Mom I have a question."

"What's that Dear?"

"You and Dad don't give us any special treatment, right?"

"What do you mean?" I asked slightly confused.

"You know 'Special Treatment,' like going on special missions or having a higher clearance than others our age. It's not because of who our parents are, right?"

I looked down for a moment in shock. She actually thought that? Better yet, who told her that?

"Sabine, Honey, where would you get an idea like that?"

"I hear rumors. Mostly the pilots and other soldiers. Ezra has been hearing it too," she said biting her lip.

Now it made sense. Ezra wouldn't attack someone just because he felt like it. No, he's to good of person.

"Sabine," I sighed facepalming a bit. "Honey, your Father and I love you and your brother. However that doesn't mean we are giving you guys special treatment. You have that clearance because you have proven yourself. You are an amazing explosives expert and believe me that comes in handy."

She smiled before glancing down.

"I don't think he did what those boys said just because he saw them."

"I don't either," I offered squeezing her shoulder gently. "I was a fool to believe one side of the story before getting the other. From the way Ezra looks and how mad Kanan is, I would have to say he was jumped."

The girl nodded looking at me.


"For what?"

"For caring," she responded blushing a little.

I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Always, now go get you a shower and then get some sleep."

Sabine agreed and handed me the ice pack.


"Night Hun," I smiled at her before taking her spot on the bed.

"Night Dad," I heard her say.

"Good Night and a job well done," Kanan answered coming into the room. "So, what's your thoughts?"

I sighed smoothing some Ezra's hair back.

"I am an idiot and not because I believed something without getting all the facts. I know Ezra wouldn't attack unless provoked. Does that mean he should have went that far? No, he shouldn't have. I didn't realize that there were rumors going around about us and the kids. I'm gonna have a talk with Commander Sato and have him set everyone straight."

"Don't do that, it will only make the rumors worse," Kanan said kneeling down. "These two have proved that they are strong but they are also young. Let's just move forward and prove those rumors wrong. Although I am worried that there might be a small repercussion to this incident."

"There won't be, that much I can do." 

I do hope you enjoyed this chapter and please let me know what you thought. Have an awesome day!!!!

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