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Here is the next chapter. I do hope you enjoy. 

Seventh Sister POV

I groaned as I sat up, the encounter running through my head.

"I had them both," I growled hitting my fist against a crate.

"An yet they were able to elude you," Fifth brother snarked standing to his feet.

I glared at him before getting up as well.

"They won't be able to get away so easily next time," I spat before stalking to my ship.

Once I was inside and away from his prying eyes, I let myself relax a bit. I know of Kanan Jarrus, Jedi leader, but for just a moment he looked like Caleb. It still saddens me to think that he died the day of Order 66. He was my one and only friend and I miss him so. A part of me wonders why I told the boy my secret. It was almost like the force wanted me to, but that was impossible. Oh well, I guess its back to the Star Destroyer for another training session and to make new plans.

Kanan POV

A few hours have passed since rescuing the kids from the Inquisitors. Ezra had been clinging to me and quite frankly I didn't blame him. Something like that can be traumatizing for a kid. Sabine on the other hand has been locked in her room, painting, while Hera was the only one she permitted in.

I sighed sitting down on the bed.

"What a day?" I yawned laying back.

I glanced over at Ezra as he began to whimper.

"Please no, we won't..."

"'s okay, I'm here," I soothed brushing back his hair from his face.

"Papa," he said his voice aching.

"Ez," I called softly, rubbing my thumb against his scars.

He jerked away from me and buried his head into the blanket.

"Ezra, what did she do to you?" I asked scooting closer to my son.

He started crying and I had enough. Pulling him into my arms I placed my forehead against his and dove into the force.

Ezra's nightmare

Kanan POV 

I heard a voice talking followed by whimpering. Getting closer, I realized that it was Ezra and the Inquistor.

"Why must you resist?" She asked him, holding her hand out to his face.

Ezra cringed trying to keep the inquisitor out of his mind. I couldn't help but cringe with him as I felt the pain too.

"Padawans can be so difficult," she said withdrawing.

"Please, stop," he begged. "You were ripped away from everything. It wasn't right, but my Master can help you."

The female Inquistor growled and ignited her lightsaber.

"Your master is weak, he can't save anyone, not even you," she said pointing the blade at him.

I could hardly take the look on my baby boy's face. Tears welled up in his eyes and the inquisitor swung striking him across the chest. Ezra's scream was so loud that the room shook.

"Ezra!" I called gaining their attention.

"Well well, look who's here," the sith sneered.

I glared at her taking out my saber.

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