Knowledge Bombshell Part Two

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Please enjoy the next chapter. 

 Kanan POV

I smiled sensing his shock.

"Tseebo knew my mother!"

"Yep. As it turns out him and your mother were the best of friends. He even kept a journal of all their adventures and has records of meeting your father. Tseebo didn't like him from the start and begged Mira to leave him. Unfortunately the woman was head over heals and wouldn't listen. After they were married and pregnant with you, that's was when Tseebo started to notice the bruises."

"My father was abusive?" Ezra whispered.

"Very, according to Tseebo and your mother's journal entries, but there's more," I told him.

"What more can there be?"

I took a deep breath.

"Tseebo was there the night your mother died and he is the reason you were on Garel. He saved you Ezra."

"My father killed her, didn't he?"

Though his voice was quiet I could tell he was holding back his anger.


As though someone let the air out, Ezra's shoulders sank.


"Can I have some time to process this?"

Though I wanted to help him, I knew Hera was right. This was one of the times I was gonna have to let go and let Ezra decide how to go forward.

"Yeah Buddy," I told him. "Feel free to look through box. I'm gonna go help Hera and Rex plan our next mission."

He didn't respond and kept staring at the note. I stood up and went over to the door.

"Ezra, I want you to know that I didn't want to tell you because I was worried that you would hate me. I was just worried that you might get something in your head and go track the maniac down."

This time he looked up and I could see the pain in his eyes. Before I could say anything more he jumped up and wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey," I whispered kneeling so I could hug him properly. "It's gonna be okay."

"Thank you," he mumbled. "You helped heal a part I didn't know was broken."

"You're my son, no matter what anyone says. If you have any more questions I'll answer the best I can."

He nodded his head digging into my chest a bit.

"I love you," he mumbled.

"I love you too," I whispered placing a kiss on his head. "When you're ready, come into the common room for some lunch."

Ezra POV

I nodded holding tighter and breathing in my dad's calming scent. After everything that I've learned, I couldn't bare the thought of him not being my dad.

""I love you," I mumbled.

"I love you too," he whispered kissing my head. "When you're ready, come out into the common room for some lunch.

I nodded again but didn't want to let go.

"Hey," he chuckled cupping my face. "I know a lot of this wasn't what you wanted to hear but uh...maybe you'll understand why I always say...why I'm so protective. It's just..."

I smiled grabbing his hands.

"I get it. You're my dad and nothing will change that."

He placed his forehead against mine and we stayed like that for a few minutes.

"Kanan? Love we really need you," Mom's voice came over the comm.

"Well," Dad snorted softly. "Like I said, when you're ready, I'll fix you some lunch."

With that he left. As the door closed I walked over to the bed. Picking up the letter I looked at it again.

"Dear Whoever,

This is Ezra and he was born on Empire Day. He cries a lot and is a mistake.

He's your problem now.

Signed Mira."

I sighed placing it back in the box. I couldn't believe that my father would kill my mother. Sitting down, I started going through the box. There were a few outfits, a blanket, a pacifier a small box of holos and three journals. The one that was soft blue I knew was my baby book. Mostly because I had seen Dad writing in it. I picked up a small one that had strange writing. Thumbing through it, I realized this must have been Tseebo's journal.

'I'll have to get Sabine to translate this for me,' I thought to myself replacing it.

Picking up the last one, I opened the cover and gasped.

"My life in a few words.

signed Mira"

Looking at the door, I wondered if my dad had read through this. Sitting the box on the floor I curled up and started to read. 


Kanan had barely been able to keep his mind on the mission planning. Finally after a few hours Hera had declared that they had a solid plan and dismissed him and Rex. Checking the time Kanan realized that he hadn't heard from his boy and decided to check on him.

"EJ? Buddy you okay?" He asked stepping into his room.

He was greeted with the sight of his son curled up on the bed clutching his mother's journal to his chest. Going over to him, the man carefully slid the book from his arms and put it away. 

"Ezra, hey Ezra,  time to wake up," he said shaking the boy's shoulder.

"Mmmm, Dad?" Ezra groaned as he tried to wake up.

"Hey, you fell asleep."

"I was reading my mother's journal," he said sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "I had to stop."

"It's not pretty," Kanan said.

"So you have read it."

Kanan nodded sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Like you I was curious but after I got started, I had to stop for awhile,"

Ezra sighed looking down.

"It doesn't seem fair."

"I know Kid, but if it's one thing I did learn was that she loved you very much," Kanan offered.

"Then why did she write that note?"

"She didn't, Tseebo did. He knew that as long as the person who found you thought you belonged to someone else, there was a chance your father would find you. So he wrote the note to make it look like you had been abandoned."

The boy sat back in shock.

"That means there's a chance..."

His sentence died as Kanan's head shake.

"I'm sorry Son."

Deciding to change the subject Ezra got to his feet.

"Is the mission ready?

"Ehh, ready as we'll ever be I guess," Kanan said shrugging his shoulders.

"Tell me about it over lunch, I'm hungry."

Chuckling the man wrapped an arm around his boy's shoulders and led him out. 

I do hope you enjoyed this chapter and please let me know what you thought. Have an awesome day! 

Star Wars Rebels Season Two AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora