Second Meeting Part Two

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Here is the next chapter, I do hope you guys enjoy. 

Sabine POV

After being pushed back, I  jumped up racing for the door but it slammed shut.

"Ezra!" I yelled pounding on it but I heard the panel sizzle.

"He wouldn't," I whispered trying to open it from my side.

"He would," I groaned when the door refused.

I started running, hoping to find Zeb but when I did he was wedged inside the vent.

"Zeb!" I groaned running over to him.

Ezra POV

Though I was slightly scared I put on a brave face.

"Like the boy will draw out the other Jedi," the second figure scowled.

I really hope they can't hear my heart beating like crazy.

"He will, because if I remember correctly, he's the young child you let get away, Fifth Brother," the first figure said.

"You are the one who let him get away Seventh Sister," Fifth Brother spat.

I really wish I had a plan. I mean I could escape but with the droid floating near my face,  I wouldn't get very far. The Seventh Sister turned back to me and placed a hand against my face.

"You are blinded by power, Brother," she chuckled. "He will be the perfect bait."

Why do I always have to be the bait? I get that I am small but there is no reason to rub it in.

"I will take him to the command center and you can find the girl," Seventh said snapping me from my thoughts.

The Brother scowled greatly before storming off. The Seventh Sister turned back to me, placing a hand against my cheek.

"You will tell me everything I want to know."


Karabast! I can't believe those two! They leave me behind and now I'm stuck inside the vent.  Suddenly I heard what sounded like blaster fire and Sabine yelling. I upped my wiggling,  trying to get free.

"I don't want to die this way!" I groaned. "I'm the last of my kind."

"Zeb!" Sabine groaned.

I heard her running up and felt her grab a hold of my legs to act as a weight. Once I was free I looked around.

"I heard blaster fire," I said.

"They have Ezra," Sabine shakily growled.

"Who has Ezra?" I asked my heart starting to race.

"I don't know, but a droid attacked him and as I went to help, he pushed me back, shut the doors and then sliced the lock," she said out of breath.

"Crazy kid," I muttered standing up. "We need to contact Kanan."

"No," she said jumping up. "If we do, we could jeopardize the fleet. We have to save him ourselves."

I sighed and stared at her. She was right but one problem, how?


Ezra stared coldly at the back of his captor's head as they walked into the command center.

"Now then," the Seventh Sister said waving her hand.

Ezra grunted as he slammed into the control panel.

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