Legacy Part Three

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Thank you all for all of your kind words and likes. Please enjoy this chapter. 

Hera POV

It had been roughly a month since discovering my new abilities. I knew Kanan would start the lessons by meditating but I never it would be so difficult.


I sighed stretching out as the Chrono alarm went off. We were still in wild space so there wasn't a lot of chores to do. Rolling over I went to wake Kanan only to find his side of the bed empty. Sitting up I tried to reach out like Kanan explained last night but there seemed to be resistance.

"Ughh, well I guess I should get some food."

Getting up I went toward the kitchen when I low strings of curses rang out. Knowing who it was I quickly made my way inside.

"Love?" I coughed.

Kanan spun around a sheepish grin on his face.

"I made you breakfast."

"I can see that," I said looking around him.

"Yeah, I closed my eyes for a moment, and well..."

I smiled knowing I couldn't stay mad at him.

"Why are you so tired?"

"I stayed up last night going through any records I could. Turns out there was an instance of a woman that was brought to the temple because she was showing signs of force sensitivity during her pregnancy."

Kanan turned off the burner and divided up the food.

"What does that mean for my pregnancy?" I asked grabbing some caff.

"Well from what I could gather the sudden appearance of force abilities actually aided the mother and after the child was born they would be separated."

I sucked in a breath at the thought of being separated from my baby after they were born.

"Kanan? Would you have let that happen? I mean if the Jedi was still around?"

My husband smirked before kissing my cheek.

"No way and besides the moment my Master found out she was going to be a grandma, she would have snuck us off where we never would have been found. Now come on, let's eat and get to training."

After breakfast, we went back to our room to get ready for the day. Shortly after Ezra joined me on the floor.

"Alright, now, um," Kanan started standing up.

Ezra rolled his eyes and grabbed a pillow.

"EJ," I scolded gently. "Your father's trying."

"I know, it's for you. When he starts stumbling it means he's not sure what to do."

I looked at Kanan and then back to Ezra. I sighing I grabbed the pillow and put it behind my back.

"Alright, Ezra's right this is new territory but I'm confident we can do this. Now meditating is easy in theory but you actually doing it can be difficult..."

"Love you're not making sense."

Kanan sighed sitting in front of us.

"Okay, the force is everywhere and everything is connected to it. Those that have a stronger connection can sense it and wield it. However, sometimes it can be overwhelming..."

"And unhelpful," Ezra added.

"Yes, and unhelpful but despite that, the force is a wonderful thing. The only thing is you have to be open to it. Open to whatever it has to say. Understand?"

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