Siege of Lothal Part Two

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I am so so sorry that my updates have taken so long. I'm kinda of in a slump so ideas have been non existent. I do hope ya'll can forgive me for the long wait. Please enjoy the chapter. 

Hera POV

After Ezra and I parted ways I couldn't help but think this entire mission was a bad idea. As I ducked behind a crate, a pained yelp sounded close to me. Heart pounding I glanced around and finally caught sight of Ezra and Minister Tua hiding behind a small stack of crates. The woman doing her best to protect him but failing miserably.  Gritting my teeth I  jumped up and began firing at the troopers and ran over to them. 

"EJ," I gasped upon seeing the blaster wound on his shoulder.

"I'm okay," he said turning his head to Tua. 

"What do we do?" She asked her voice shaking.

I looked around not seeing Kanan but saw the waiting shuttle.

"Go to the shuttle and get it prepped. I will get Kanan and join you."

Ezra went to move when he froze, eyes wide.

"Ez," I asked worriedly.

"The shuttle," he whispered grabbing his lightsaber. "It's rigged to explode." 

Before I could stop him he fired two shots from his blaster and the shuttle went up in flames throwing us all back.

Kanan POV

This is so not what I had in mind when I said this part of the mission was going to be fun. Kallus was having a hard time hitting me but I was not prepared for the shuttle exploding. I hit my head hard enough the helmet flew off. However one thought ran through my mind. Where was my family? Sitting up with a groan, I looked around and couldn't see them. However as the smoke cleared a little, I could make out Sabine on the roof calling for backup and I could see a stack of crates off to the side. Running to it I found Hera covering Ezra and Minister Tua.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked dropping beside them.

"Ezra's been shot," she said moving her hand to reveal my son's shoulder.

"Great," I muttered jerking down as a bolt hit the crate. "We gotta go."

As if on cue our transport arrived. Chopper landed the ship allowing us to get on. Hera grabbed the poor woman's wrist, jerking her forward and I scooped up Ezra getting him on the ship.

"Punch it Chopper," Sabine ordered as she jumped on.

The droid beeped several curses trying to get us away from the ties and walkers. 

"Not how I thought this was going to go," Tua said as the shuttle rumbled.

Suddenly a loud blaring sounded as the engines were hit.

"Hang on," I yelled bracing against the seat.

Ezra wrapped his good arm around my neck as we slammed into the ground. I groaned as my head was once again hit, but even through the pain I  could hear a small whimper from the teen pressed against me. 

'You okay?' I sent through our bond.

'No,' was his answer.

"We gotta go!" Sabine screamed as the smell of smoke got stronger.

I clutched Ezra tight to me and we made a run for it. After a few blocks we made it a hideout.

"Get these doors open, Chopper," Hera ordered.

He beeped an okay and got to work. About three minutes later the door slid open and we rushed inside. 

"What is this place?" Tua asked as we climbed down to a bunker room. 

Star Wars Rebels Season Two AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें