A Long Talk Part One

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I do hope you guys enjoy this next installment. 

Kanan POV

After discovering that Ezra and Chopper were missing I started searching for them through the force. Needless to say it has been two hours and I was in a slight panic. Though I didn't want to tell Hera but deep down I knew his disappearance had something to do with training this morning.

"Ezra, I hope you're alright," I whispered coming out of meditation.

Getting up from my chair, I grabbed an old holo and popped it into the player. A picture of a small boy playing in the sand appeared.

"Things sure have changed," I chuckled sitting onto the bed

"Use to EJ," I recalled still looking at the picture. "You would run to me when there was a problem but now... I know you want to make me proud, but Son, is all the Jedi training worth it?"

"The answer is yes Kanan," Hera said startling me.

"Hera!" I yelped shutting off the holo.

She smiled and walked in, sitting down beside me.

"I remember this," she said turning the projector on again. "It was right after his first recon mission. We decided to take a day off and went swimming at one of Lothal's lakes. I remember Ezra was terrified to leave your side but once he realized that it was okay, he wore himself out playing."

I chuckled remembering that day as well.

Flashback Nearly Seven years ago


Ezra whimpered staring at the large body of water. Memories being captured on that last mission and nearly drowning in the crate made him shake with terror. 

"It's okay Son," Kanan soothed scooping the boy up.

"I don't wanna," the child cried quietly burying his face against the man's shoulder.

"I know, but I'm here, it's okay," Kanan said hoping he sounded convincing.

After everything that had happened, Kanan wanted nothing more than to lock Ezra in his room and never let him out. Unfortunately that wouldn't solve anything. 

"Don't worry, there aren't any 'monsters' this time," he said rubbing the boy's trembling back. "I promise."

Ezra held onto his father's neck and shook harder. Deciding there was only one way to help his son, Kanan went forward into the lake.

"No! Daddy!" Ezra fought but Kanan held firm.

"EJ! Son listen to me," the man said sternly, quieting the boy's cries. "I know what happened was horrible. Heck it terrified me, but I promise that nothing is going to happen. It's just you, me and Hera."

The child stared at him for a few seconds before hiccuping. Kanan's stern face melted into a soft smile and held up his hand.

"You and me Bubba?"

Ezra smiled and placed his little hand in Kanan's, clasping the two together.

"You and me Papa."


Kanan POV

Turning off the projector, I turned to Hera.

"I guess I screwed up huh?"

She smiled at me took my hand.

"You love him and only want what's best," she offered. "I know training has been getting harder for him with you and Rex arguing still."

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