"Nothing." I say again while trying to free my arms, wrists. It doesn't work though, it only tightens his grip and makes it harder for me to escape.

   Pitch's POV-

   Lies, she keeps lying to me. I can't stand this, she's so secretive and it leaves me clueless, unknowing what to do, to think. I could kiss her right now as she's pinned against the counter, unable to escape to make her understand that she can trust me, that I'm here for her, that I love her but I don't. I can't. I don't know what she'll do, I don't know what I'll do, I don't know what will happen.

   "Stop lying." I say, closing my eyes in frustration, only for a moment though. I won't take my eyes away from hers too long, if I stare long enough she may just crack. Her mask may just fall off for a moment.

   "I-I'm not lying." She says, I was right. She stuttered, plus she is... Blushing? Why is she blushing? She tries to pull her wrists from my grip, again. I tighten my grip, she isn't getting out of this. She was smiling, she even giggled and then- Giggle, she has never giggled... That's it.

   "Stop it, stop hiding." I tell her and her eyes widen and her body relaxes so much she can barely stand. I let go of her wrists, I don't know why but I did. She falls, slowly to the floor and brings her knees to her chest. Her arms wrap around her legs, holding them tight, closer. I hate it when she does this, she looks so scared, so vaulnerable, so broken... She hides her face as I begin to sit down in front of her. I feel terrible, it's my fault she's like this right now. I shouldn't have said anything. "I'm sorry..." I tell her, I don't know what else to say. She stands up, fast, too fast.

   "It's fine, don't worry about it." She says, her voice is neutral, no emotion. "I need to take a walk, I'll see you later." She says, giving me the fakest smile I have ever seen on her but it manages to look real. She walks out of her room before I can do anything, I follow her but she's nowhere to be seen when I am outside of her door. She teleported, great. How am I supposed to find her now? What if something happens? I have to find her.

   Fiona's POV-

   "Stop hiding." He said. That did it for me. I fell to the floor, broken. I didn't know what to do, I had to hide. Why doesn't he understand? If I don't hide I'll be seen, people will worry at first and then turn on me when they see my past, see me. If I hide no one can care, no one can hurt me, I can help them if I hide. I like hiding, don't I? I like helping people, making them happy and if I have to hide to do so then I will. I don't matter, it doesn't matter if I am sad or whatever. If others are happy then so am I, right?

   Stop hiding... Why? Why should I?

   "Huh?" I say after I fall, or should I say trip, over a snow covered tree root. I didn't even realize I fell, or that I was here. I'm looking up, at my surroundings. I'm in a really odd part of the woods, the trees look grey and they sky is dark, dark grey with a white moon. I didn't realize it was night already... Wait, where am I?

   I quickly look behind me when I hear a twig snap. I'm still lying on the ground, in the snow, I need to get up. I quickly stand to my feet, looking in the direction of the noise intently. I know it isn't Pitch, this is something or someone I have never met before. It's someone, the aura is dark. Dark aura... Pitch was called evil yet he didn't have a dark aura, I did though. If anyone was evil it was me, gosh... Those guardians are blind. A figure imerges from the shadows, behind a tree and I step back. I don't like this, I should run but I won't. I need to find out who this is. When he's in full light of the moon I see that he's tall, taller than me with black hair styled like Jack's actually. Blue eyes, a bright and light blue. His skin is pale and he has grey freckles over the bridge of his nose and on his cheeks. He's muscular but not huge with muscles. He's cute, I'll admit but he's no Pitch. I mentally slap myself for that, gosh that was stupid to think.

   "Hello Fiona." He says, his voice is more of a teen than a man but he looks more of a teen. He has a smirk plastered on his light grey lips and it aggrivates me, he's up to something.

   "What do you want?" I ask, my voice emotionless. His smirk stays but grows as he chuckles.

   "No need for the brave act, dear. You should be afraid." He says, obviously enjoying this.

   "I'm not afraid." I say casually, knowing this will offend him at least a little if I do. Saying it forcefully will only make him enjoy this more. I mean it though, I'm not. I was right, it did offend him when I said it.

   "What?" He asks, clearly not appreciating my calmness at all. I smirk, making him angrier. "Maybe I should change that." He says before he disappears and reappears in front of me, holding me by me neck, a foot off the ground. "Scared yet?" He asks, gosh is he cocky.

   "No." I say, still emotionless and casually but it is harder to breathe but I'm fine with it. His eyes burn with anger and his eyebrows almost join together. I smirk, even though I am barely breathing I manage it easily. My eyes dart behind him, my emotionless face turning to worry when I spot the black figure of Pitch. No, not now. Sadly he notices and turns his head to look behind him, once he sees Pitch's worried and angry face he smirks and turns back to face me. He lets go just as I think I wouldn't have lasted any longer and I fall to my knees, slightly gasping for breath.

   "You're annoyingly different, hm? Hurting him, would that work?" He smirks down at me, anger clear on my face as I give him the glare of death. He turns and vanished only to appear in front of Pitch, smirking. He turns to me, enjoying the anger and worry on my face as I stand and start to run to him. I stop, frightened for the first time ever when his hand is wrapped around Pitch's neck. My eyes are wide for a moment, tears threatening but I push them back letting the anger cover my face once more as I run, full speed and tackle the man, prepared to kill him. I hear Pitch gasp for air as I fall, on top of this man as he hits the ground with my hands around his neck. I should choke him, kill him but I don't. I know he will just vanish if I do. "Until next time. Fiona." He says, the first part in a more joyous or happy way and he says my name in a deep, more threatening way as he smirks at me and then vanishes. Leaving me with one thought as I stand to my feet, looking at where he was moments ago. Kevin, Kevin Scarce.

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