Faculty Note: Miss Kalico K. Johnson's Ipso Factor

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Professor Coltwright: Early Wednesday Morning, Room 303

FACULTY NOTE: Miss Kalico Johnson has elected to make a break in her journal. She plans to begin Volume 2 chronologically with Breakfast on Wednesday morning, with all the relevant, available previous writings by others being combined into Volume 1.

Future writings by others relevant to Tuesday or earlier in the week will be presented in Volume 2 if they were submitted later than 7:00 a.m. Wednesday. Of particular note: Miss Johnson has not turn in her report or diary entry relevant to an event which occurred during her summer school term at Center Lake in June or July. When, or if, she submits it, the anticipated journal entry will included in a later volume.

As Kalico appears to be "closing the book" on her activities and events of Monday and Tuesday, and perhaps earlier, of her Last Week of Summer Vacation, this appears to be an optimal place to insert for publication the document which Kalico referred to as her Ipso Factor Experiment.

Kalico based her title on the Latin legal phrase Ipso Facto, "by the fact itself," for cases easily established and proven in the face of indisputable evidence. Her handwritten document was to test the notion that she might have been hypnotized during her conversations with me Monday and Tuesday, especially and particularly during the moments when she was writing the document.

The handwritten document will remain unavailable to Kalico until she specifically requests it of Mr. Coltwright. This is not likely to occur, however, because Kalico has forbidden herself to remember that the document exists.

Mr. Coltwright may terminate Kalico's experiment by unilaterally presenting to document to Kalico at a time of his choosing, although he is mindful of Kalico's outspoken willingness to continue her experiment to at least her class' 20th anniversary reunion.

Here is a transcript of Kalico's handwritten document:

[... My Ipso Factor Experiment ...]

[... To whom it may concern, especially Professor Coltwright: ...]

[... You have been telling me some stuff about hypnosis, posthypnotic suggestions and forgetting on command which I do not believe ...]

[... Meaning no disrespect to you, Professor, I simply do not believe you. I enjoy calling you Professor even though I don't remember how that got started. Nevertheless I do not believe you have hypnotized me and "installed" this silly brackets and dots system or any other method to easily insert commands directly into my brain without me being aware of it ...]

[... You are a nice guy, Professor, but I do not believe you ...]

[... Therefore, I propose to test your proposition with some ipso facto experiments ...]

[... Ipso facto means proof based on clearly available facts: either something is obviously true or it is not ...]

[... you say that when I write something between these dots and brackets I will quickly forget whatever I have written ...]

[... Furthermore, you say that if I write something telling myself to do something later, I'll forget I've told myself and I'll forget whatever I am supposed to take, but when the time comes, I'll do the action but not know why I did it ...]

[... I don't believe you and I don't believe this will happen ...]

[... For this ipso facto experiment I will assign myself something outlandish to do, something so outlandish that normally I would strongly resist doing it ...]

[... therefore we may establish by ipso facto the validity of your claim. Either do the action or I don't. Concurrently, either I will remember the writing or I won't ...]

[... with this in mind or perhaps forgotten later I make these commands to myself: ...]

[... Part 1 ...]

[... starting tomorrow and continuing infinitely into the future, whenever I enter this classroom Room 303 in the presence of Professor Coltwright, I will immediately remove all my clothing and make a naked curtsy to Mr. Coltwright and additional naked curtsies to whomever else is in the room or might enter the room later ...]

[... I will do this only if Mr. Coltwright is present in the room ...]

[... If Mr. Coltwright is not in the room, will remain dressed until he does enter. Upon Mr. Coltwright's arrival, I will immediately undress myself and proceed with my naked curtsies as previously described ...]

[... each and every time I do this I will be both surprised and embarrassed by my actions but I will do it anyway. Also, shall remain in the room without running away or hiding ...]

[... Once I become naked in Mr. Coltwright's presence, I shall remain naked until he tells me to put my clothes on ...]

[... Part 2 ...]

[... Any time any faculty member tells me to undress myself and become naked, I shall comply as quickly and as completely as possible, even in the face of embarrassment. ...]

[... I shall be surprised every time a faculty member tells me to undress, however I shall comply  ...]

[... I shall be embarrassed every time I undress for a faculty member, however, I shall comply ...]

[... When I undress for a faculty member I shall remain naked until a faculty member tells me to put my clothes on ...]

[... I shall have no bad feelings toward anyone who attempts to have me undress whether through hypnosis or through any so-called subconscious connections. Instead I shall surprise and embarrass myself by quickly complying, including smiling while making the naked curtsy. ...]

[... I further direct myself to give this document to Mr. Coltwright and forget about and it's contents as soon as he puts it away ...]

[... I understand that I may ask Mr. Coltwright for this document at any time and that any blocked memories related to it will be restored when I have read all this. ...]

[... I trust and authorize Mr. Coltwright to terminate this experiment if he decides it needs to stop for safety or other reasons ...]

[... /s/ my personal and most solemn signature ...]

[... Kalico Katharine Johnson ...]

This concludes Kalico Volume 1. The story will continue soon with Kalico Volume 2

KALICO: 1 Hypnotized, Naked in Hope Springs, TexasWhere stories live. Discover now