Kalico: Mood Swing

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Kalico: Monday, last week of summer vacation

I'm still sorting out what happened when I left Mr. Coltwright to go down and see Coach Ainsworth. Hold that thought and I'll get back to it.

Meanwhile, let's move on with the rest of this mundane report. I made this chapter break because we found the box with my computer in it. I set it up and will continue this bland story with a keyboard and word processor instead of ballpoint pen. 

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Mr. Coltwright said to put anything in here that I feel like, especially if it relates to school or to whatever feelings I might have. Hey, that first chapter up there was about my feelings; that makes them honest pages so I won't edit them out like I planned to.

I'm scared to go back up to Room 303. That's a feeling.

He also said to put in a little personal background, but not too much. Don't tell more than I'm comfortable telling; just make sure I manage to write enough.

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Background and personal:

My family consists of my mom, my sister and myself. Now that we've moved back to Hope Springs, my family also includes my grandmother. She's an ultra-generational grandmother, I have no idea how many great-greats- to put in front of her name. Everyone within 20 miles of the farm simply calls her Granny Johnson.

It's not that I don't like Granny Johnson, the opposite is true, I love her dearly. But, well, it's like we're moving back in with her, like it's embarrassing that we're not out there in the world fighting our battle as a family. It's like we are poor, impoverished. I almost think mom has given up. Maybe it's me. I know we have a regular income, but I'm sort of depressed. Maybe I'm just hungry and tired.

We moved back to Hope Springs just yesterday. For Mom, we're moving back to her childhood home; for us girls, it's our first time to live here, or my sister's first time. I lived here once before, but we moved away around my second birthday, so I don't think that really counts for me knowing anyone in this neighborhood, either. We spent Saturday packing up in Center Lake and Sunday moving in.

I'm not even going to attempt to understand why we've moved (again!) nor attempt to count the number of schools I've attended in my previous eight grades and kindergarten. One thing I've learned from all those schools: Don't try to make a lot of real close friendships because – well, just because. If you've moved around a lot as a kid, maybe you'll understand.

I'm rather ordinary looking except for my hair, which is an issue. Plain, short, fairly skinny. Let's just leave it at that, I'm nothing exciting to look at. People tease me about my hair. It's red. And white. And black. Arranged in splotches around my head. Let's just leave it at that. I feel self-conscious about my hair coloring.

I don't need a bra, but I usually wear one because that's what girls do. I don't usually wear a skirt or dress, but I wore skirt and polo shirt today because that's what girls do when going for interview.

Usually I like scruffy pants or shorts but I wanted to impress them at school, at least a little. When I saw the sharp uniforms of those girls in the office and that girl, Amy I think, in pink at the doorway, I felt I wasn't impressing anyone.

My name, Kalico, came from being born with this strange hair coloring. Just like a calico cat. I don't mind being called Kalico, but don't get tempted to play games with my middle name, Katherine. People who call me "Kalico Kat" are quickly off my Christmas card list, and anything else resembling socializing. Sometimes I will answer to Kate or Katie or even Kalikate, if you say it nicely.

It didn't help me in the Getting Named Department when the family's favorite calico spotted cat died a few days before I was born. They looked at me like I was its replacement. I think I mentioned this the last beloved cat earlier in this journal.

Its grave is out here on the farm someplace. I suppose Mom will look it up and show it to me.

I hate cats.

I hate my hair.

I hate having to move house so often.

I hate having to move away from friends because – well, OK, I'll say it – because I have trouble making friends in the first place.

I also hate being pessimistic, so I'll adjust the topic a little.


I like to read. I play chess. If you don't know how to play, I'll be happy to teach you. I like to read about history and science and science fiction. This is all very geeky-nerdy stuff. I wear glasses because I'm nearsighted, so that adds to the geeky-nerdy air about me.

I hate being the class geek, but I always fall into that pattern.

I hate the direction this journal is going. I'm taking a supper break and adjusting my attitude if I can. Probably can't. I'd dump the journal right here, and say that's enough for one day – because it is – but Mr. Coltwright said I should cover the important events, at least partly, and several strange and interesting things happened today.

Most people didn't even make remarks about my hair, too. That was odd; although the girl in pink at the doorway of the school got in her fair shot about it.

I'll be back in a while with a new chapter after I eat supper.

KALICO: 1 Hypnotized, Naked in Hope Springs, TexasOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz