Kalico: Getting Enrolled

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Kalico: Monday

A little food and a change in my train of thought have helped my mood, I hope. So, let's return to today's events.

– – –

Or, maybe not, because immediately another interruption came along. Mom just poked her head into my room to announce she's off to some meeting at the high school. She didn't say, but I suppose it's about my sister's request to be in the advanced writing class.

Mom didn't bat an eye over signing those permission papers. I thought she'd ask about hypnosis or tease me about sex education. She hasn't even really been on my case about me writing a diary this evening instead of helping unpack. It's like she thinks this journal is some sort of real homework, or a term paper that's important to be finished.

Come to think of it, it is. If I don't do a good job on this, I'm not in that AP class, and then Life Will Suck. So, we have it clearly established, this journal is important to me -- but probably boring to others. I know I wouldn't want to be reading some other kid's report on "how I got into the class with the smart kids." It sounds too geeky.

Actually, I'll just be happy to get in there, and hope I can keep up.

– – –

Let's tell about my first day ever to set foot on the Hope Springs Eternal campus: that's today.

Eternal High School in Hope Springs, Texas, is housed in a very large building dating back to about 1905 to 1915, but it's had some classroom wings added over the decades and the structure seems in good shape. There's a slight change in color of the bricks in areas where something new was added.

Someone said it was supposed to have begun as a 2-year seminary, Eternal Glory Bible College, but the college went away so the facility is overly large for the current enrollment. The defunct college gave it's campus to the Hope Springs school district, which adopted Glory as the name for its atletic teams.

I arrived at mid-morning to get enrolled. I needed to do as much as I could this morning because of my doctor's appointment in the afternoon. Among other things, I knew I would need a physical exam to clear for athletics.

A large crane was sitting on the lawn close to the school's main entrance. Right beside the crane was a pink 1957 Chevrolet Bellaire convertible – highly polished, chrome restored, excellent paint job. For anyone who has been out of touch for the last 50 years, that's a car. A sign painted on the side of the crane said "Thompson Construction Co."

Workmen were attaching straps under the car to make it ready to lift. Schools always do some remodeling during Summer Break, but this seemed odd.

A girl in a pink uniform met me at the door. "I'm Amy Thompson of the Dearest Darlings, may I help you?" she asked, and then directed me to the office doorway, about 20 steps to the right in the front hallway.

When I asked, she explained that the Dearest Darlings are a combination of service club and social club that lends a hand where needed around the campus. "We like to tell people where to go."

In the office, a polite senior student greeted me at the desk. "I'm Patsy, one of the office assistants, can I help you?" She was wearing a sharp version of the school's regular student uniform – with its blue and green colors and kilt.

"I'm Kali Johnson; I want to make sure I get enrolled properly before school starts." I told her.

"Yes, I remember you! We were in the same government class this summer in Center Lake. It's good to see you again! That was a cute moan you made at the end of the final exam."

KALICO: 1 Hypnotized, Naked in Hope Springs, TexasNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ