Kalico: Dauntless Decker, Patsy, Mr. Watson

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Dauntless Decker Deja Vu

Kalico: Tuesday, after meeting with Mr. Coltwright

Feeling rather proud of myself for gaining admission to his advanced class, I left Mr. Coltwright's Room 303 to go downstairs to turn in that paper – the waiver – at the principal's office.

Instead of using the back stairs, I headed for the front corridor because I planned to fearlessly use that grand staircase, this time with my clothes on.

As I descended to  the second floor, I saw Mrs. Decker in her classroom right across from the stairs. I knew for sure it was her because her name was on the door. I had a feeling we had talked before but I wasn't sure. You meet so many people when you're new in town, they were all starting to blend together in my mind. She waved for me to go into her classroom.

All right, part of me remembered exactly when I had met her, only a few minutes earlier when I was doing my naked walk down the hallways. But I was so freaked out over that experience (absolutely no way would I have done something so outrageous) that I was ready to believe it hadn't happened.

"Hi Kalico," she smiled. "So we meet again."

I'm one of those people who find it very suspicious when a teacher smiles; but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Usually, old lady English teachers are the terror of a school.

"Hi, Mrs. Decker. I'm surprised you remember me. I've met so many new people since we moved here this week that all the faces and names are a blur. I think I'm going to be in one of your classes."

"I expect so, since I teach all the ninth grade English classes. You'll have some time with 'Ole Dauntless Decker' or whatever names the kids have for me this year. That looks like a waiver form, did Mr. Coltwright approve you for his advanced class?"

"Yes, I was just on my way to turn it in at the office. Mr. Watson wants it confirmed as soon as possible so he can make the final arrangements for my schedule."

"Fine, I won't hold you up for long. I just wanted to say Hi, and to remind you of a couple of things. First, remember to tell your little sister to come see me as soon as possible, today or tomorrow, if she can make it. I want to visit with her before I decide on her application to skip up to a high school English class.

"And, second, I wanted to remind you to give me a copy of your psychology class journal. I am sure we can get you some extra credit in writing assignments."

For some reason, Mrs. Decker almost sounded like an echo – one of those deja vu repetitions. "I'll be sure to tell Madison. But, about that journal, what if it turns out to be simply a boring job? You won't count off for that, will you?"

"Just do your best on the journal, Kalico, that's all any teacher can ask, only your best. If it turns out to be one of those plain old boring things, then we'll let Mr. Coltwright deal with it. But, remember, our English class will be working on the idea of writing, as a living form, not just putting proper words down in a technically correct manner. If you happen to write something outstanding, you might as well get credit for it here, too."

"You'd better get that waiver on down to Mr. Watson before he leaves for lunch," Mrs. Decker seemed to be dismissing me. "And Kalico – "


"I'm looking forward to having you in my class. If you're half as interesting as your mother was, I expect we'll all find it a very exciting school term."

"My mother was in your class?" I asked. Somehow I already knew this. It's a fact of life in small-town schools, the parents and grandparents have track records for you to live up to, or live down.

KALICO: 1 Hypnotized, Naked in Hope Springs, TexasWhere stories live. Discover now