Amy: Introduction

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My Journey Into The Dearest Darlings Girls Honor and Service Club

By Amy Louise Thompson

Eternal High School

Hope Springs, Texas


Mr. Coltwright and Miss Richards both told me today (Monday) that I must keep a journal about my time as a Dearest Darling Apprentice, to help me understand the sacrifice and process involved in becoming a Helpful Person. Or something like that, I'm not real sure. I wouldn't have said that about not being real sure, except they said I need to be totally honest in this, even if it makes me look silly.

I am to include all my work as an Apprentice Darling and anything else that I observe which might be significant. They said they can't tell me exactly what "significant" might mean, but if I think it's interesting I should put it in this journal because that's probably a good indication that it's significant.

I'm also supposed to put in some personal background and whatever stuff about me that I think of that might show why I should be a Dearest Darling. Like, for example, if I'm well organized in my personal life, or do I like to squash bugs in my spare time. (I don't.)

And, I should put in here whatever I can find about the history of the school or Dearest Darlings, if I come across the information. But this isn't a historic research project unless I want it to be, they said, so I don't have to do a lot of digging unless it seems important.

Even my daydreams and unusual ideas may be significant, so I should include all that, and thoughts about boyfriends, too. They especially want me to write about "my perception of the purpose of The Dearest Darlings Club," or whatever the official name is, "and what it means to perform public service." Or something like that, I'm not sure if I got the quotes exactly right.

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