Kalico: Next, Hypnotize The Spring Chicken (part 3, the chicken's point of view)

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Kalico: Tuesday afternoon at the Seed, Feed & Obedience Shop

But, Seriously, About The Chickens?

"But we keep drifting away from Penny and Lucky," I said. "How is that hypnosis? And why do I keep bringing us back to the topic?"

"Time for full disclosure, so you won't hate me later," David said. "You keep returning us to the topic because I told you to, with a hidden command you didn't notice. At least I think that's why. Are you really seriously curious about the chicken hypnosis?"

"Yes I am, and how could you slip me a hidden command I didn't notice?"

"Which should I answer first?" he asked. "Should I talk more about hypnotizing the chickens? Or tell you about the hidden command? We could be taking a chance that telling you exact details about it might change something. Or it might be too late and your curiosity will lead you into my trap despite everything you do."

Reveal The Hidden Command?

"Your trap? David the Evil Hypnotist? You seem rather nice to me so I'm still willing to take my chances. Let's go first with your hidden command, because I might forget about it otherwise. I'm managing to remember the chicken hypnosis through all our talk. Spill it about the hidden command."

"I hope this doesn't ruin things between us. But I think we're nerd enough to keep things in balance, and careful enough not to do anything stupid. Here goes:

"There's a tendency for people who watch a hypnosis demonstration to trance just a little as they watch it," David said. "Even though Penny and Lucky are chickens, our little experiment with them was a hypnosis demonstration, so I took a chance and gave you some words to bounce around in your head to see what happens."

"No you didn't! I would have noticed," I protested.

"See? That shows my command is working," David giggled.

"Do you want me to tell you what the words were?" David offered. "Or you may have more fun when you discover the hidden message later in your journal as you cover this part of your day in your writing."

"Are you telling me I can just go along with this?" I asked incredulously, "with a hidden message in my head? And I'll write it down word-for-word later and not know it? But with it written in my journal, I can examine it at a still later date to discover what it was?"

"That's right. You can easily do it that way."

"I hardly know which way this is going, but I do suspect something, even though I can't quite put it into words. I keep wanting to challenge that idea about the chickens being hypnotized."

"Yes?" he asked.

"You asked if I might like to try it myself!" I said, suddenly knowing for sure which direction this might be going.

"Yes, you may enjoy an experiment like that. Take a look at the position from the chicken's perspective."

"You gave me a hidden command for that?" I asked suspiciously.

"Not exactly, but it makes sense if the idea manifests as curiosity about the chicken hypnosis. It may easily work this way."

"It's one of those things you mentioned, isn't it? Where you don't tell the subject the full details because it could skew the results? Her – or my – reaction will be more real if I don't know the whole picture?"

"Precisely. But out of respect for you and our new friendship, I can tell you if you want me to. It isn't fair to experiment on someone without them knowing it."

KALICO: 1 Hypnotized, Naked in Hope Springs, TexasWhere stories live. Discover now