Amy: Pink Panties & Naked Dawn

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Amy Thompson: Monday

I am supposed to try not to be too serious about this journal, just have fun with it and make a record of what happens. And include enough details so that someone not from around here might know what I'm talking about.

To start with, my name is Amy Louise Thompson, age 14, and I live in Hope Springs, Texas. I am serving as an Apprentice in the Dearest Darlings Honors Club and I hope to be qualified someday (during this coming fall semester) as a full member. Usually a girl has to wait at least a semester after she gets to ninth grade to be considered. However, I had some real good marks in the eighth grade so, I guess, someone thought I should have an opportunity now.

Thank you, whoever it was.

The first unusual idea I have is that it's nice that someone believes I might think of something significant. That's nice of them, although I don't recall ever thinking of anything important. Maybe it's part of growing up, entering high school and all that. Who knows? A bright idea may pop into my head at any moment.

Thank you, whoever, also.

This morning seems like a good enough place to start. Maybe last Wednesday would be better but then I'd have to write about all those other days when not much exciting happened. I'll just tell about Wednesday and then skip up here to this morning and see how that works out. Or maybe earlier in the summer? Or maybe I'll just start writing and see what happens.


Earlier this summer, like in June not long after spring semester was over, Mom told me I might like to join the Dearest Darlings this fall since I'll be going into high school. Cool idea, I thought, because the Dearest Darlings are like THE club of all clubs in Hope Springs. Not everyone ever gets to join the DD's, either, because the qualifications are so high, and I think maybe there's a maximum limit on membership.

Before the Darlings will even look at a girl for possible membership she has to have good grades and good taste in clothes. Not the Super Principal's Honor Roll, necessarily, although that would help, but at least an A-minus average, or maybe B-plus if she's someone who's so cool you gotta have her in the club or else. And especially good taste in clothes, and maybe how she wears her hair, too.

Mom was real proud of me for all my good marks in middle school, so she said there's an outside chance the Darlings might be interested in me. She felt so strongly about it that she took me down to Shorty the Tailor that very day to get him to make me a new uniform, just exactly like the new outfits we'll be having to wear this fall, except it's pink. Actually, he made three of them for me, since he was doing it and had all my measurements. Mom hasn't let me wear any of them until today (Monday).

First, that day in June, that is, Mom took me to the Department Store next door to Shorty's shop and got me the full outfit of ninth grade uniforms, but I'll not bore you with the details of that. Those regular uniforms are real nice but everyone's going to have them. Well, the girls will have them; the boys would look silly in girl clothes. Except for the kilts. There's something cool about a Scotsman in a kilt. Maybe the school will declare kilts to be the super formal uniform for boys this fall – maybe with a real stylish tuxedo jacket and cummerbund. Then, Mom took me upstairs to Shorty's place and let him measure me.

Golly! What an experience that was! Mom made me get nearly all my clothes off, right down to my underpants and bra, right there in front of Shorty, and let him measure me in every place that a girl gets measured, and a few places I didn't think anyone ever got measured. Ah hum, and maybe a place or two I didn't even know I have. If anyone needs a record of my body shape, just check the file cabinet at Shorty's.

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