Kalico: Blossom the Fairy Geis Princess

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Dreaming: My Very Own Fairy Geis Princess

Kalico: waking up Wednesday morning

Here's a collection of last night's dreams and dream fragments, at least what I can remember of them.

Simpatico Dreams 

I dreamed about David Moore last night. That was strange. I only met the guy yesterday afternoon, and already I'm dreaming about him like we're lifelong friends.

He was mighty insistent yesterday on becoming my boyfriend. That probably had something to do with his intrusion into my dreams. I will admit we seem to be a major simpatico match-up. Dreaming about David was rather pleasant. Simply simpatico!

Naked Dreams

I also had Naked Dreams again, for the second night in a row. But it wasn't the same dream as Monday night. I suppose that's good. I don't remember what Monday night's dreams were, except that I had some very major naked episodes. I suppose, also, that it's good that I don't remember.

I know that everyone has The Naked Dream from time to time – the dream where you're naked and everyone else is dressed. But considering the circumstances, which I may explain shortly, I suppose I shouldn't think it was so unusual for me to have a full evening's entertainment filled with Variations of The Naked Dream last night.

Dreams as Entertainment

Dreams are entertainment, aren't they? That's how I experience it. The good ones are better than the best Hollywood movies. It's like having free tickets to front row seating and a wrap-around cinema screen. Add some futuristic technology which allows projection of emotions right from the movie into your heart, and you've got dreams with the right stuff in them. That makes even scary dreams more fun, once you get over being scared.

The real price for having strong dreams is that often I'm emotionally drained by the time I wake up. But sometimes not, and even so, it's nearly always fun.

The Mother Dream

Another dream last night was a variation on The Mother Dream. That's the one where you're sitting down with your mom, having a perfectly fine discussion, and you're losing an argument with her because you're both being calm and rational. Mom's side of the argument makes sense in this kind of talk, and you so wish you were whining and kicking up some confusion.

No Penis Dream?

Now that I've had all day to think about it, I'm a little miffed over what I didn't dream last night. I missed a perfect opportunity to dream about David naked. When he and I were visiting at the Feed, Pet and Obedience Store, or whatever they call it, I spent a lot of private thought speculating about his masculine equipment. Silly of me, I know, but I couldn't help it.

I would have expected that kind of daytime thinking to carry over into my nighttime dreams. But no! It was the regular Naked Dream that has me embarrassed to be asleep. Only this time the dream visuals kicked up to high quality digital video. Not that I didn't enjoy the dreams, but, well, you'd think my Dream Director might have included a nice image of David's penis.

Chickens and Naked Fairies

I dreamed some other odd stuff, too. I need to it sort out, if I can remember. Chickens and naked Irish fairies. Or maybe it was me naked urrounded by Irish Chicken Fairies. You know how dreams are. They're so vivid at the moment and two minutes after you wake up it's impossible to remember.

Stunned Awakening Naked

I lay there stunned, amazed at what I had been dreaming, and amazed even more to find myself still laying there naked, halfway off the bed. I don't think I moved a muscle all night. When I finished my shower I felt so tired I sat on the side of the bed and lay back for a moment.

KALICO: 1 Hypnotized, Naked in Hope Springs, TexasWhere stories live. Discover now