Kalico: Meeting Mrs. Decker

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Kalico: Tuesday, third-floor hallway with Mrs. Decker

When Mr. Coltwright talked about returning to visit tomorrow, I thought he was dismissing me for the day with a pat on the bottom, the way Mr. Watson had done yesterday.

However, I must have forgotten our pre-arranged signal.

The pat on my butt was almost a slap, and I felt it against bare skin. I was already going toward the door when I felt his touch, and it seemed as though I suddenly propelled myself through the doorway. He had surprised me with the signal to do that posthypnotic task I had requested earlier.

Golly, it was such a change in thinking for me. I wasn't ready to do it. I tried to find some way to say "Wait, let's talk about this a minute." Nevertheless, my feet kept walking and I was out into the hallway before I knew what I was doing. We had been chatting so nicely about something else, and I had even forgotten about hypnosis and forgotten about that "totally naked feeling" we had been working on.

Before we go any further into this, I need to make a note here, because I noted something in my head in the hallway. Namely, that I was so amazed and pleased with my subconscious mind at this point, in relation to that "naked feeling." I would never have expected that anyone's subconscious could provide such convincing and realistic details about "being totally naked."

The only problem I had with this is that the "totally naked feeling" followed me out into the hallway, and accompanied me with every step. You want to know what it feels like to be more naked than normally naked? Just go walk down a school hallway naked and you'll get the picture.

I could feel the air moving across bare skin. My subconscious even provided the detail of extra coolness on sweaty areas where my naked skin would have been pressed against the polished surface of the bench. When I thought about it, I could even remember having to pull my butt skin away from the bench surface. Try sitting naked on polished furniture for a few minutes and you'll see what I mean.

I realized I have a super-champion of a subconscious to accomplish all this, so I took a moment in the hallway to praise my subconscious self. Wasn't that nice of me? I hadn't expected any changes to occur from such self-praise, but I was wrong. My "naked feeling" intensified.

Augmenting the "feeling naked" was a voice - my own mental voice, the one I use for "internal dialog." My internal voice was telling me plainly and simply, "You are naked. Kalico, you asked for a posthypnotic task and you are going to do it thoroughly and completely. Be calm and walk slowly. Nevertheless, understand one thing completely, Miss Kalico Smart Ass, you are naked, very totally and completely naked. Be dignified, walk calmly.

"Yet you are to maintain the sense of doubt about it so you don't let yourself get embarrassed quite so much. You may continue to believe this is all negative hallucination. Yet, you have such a strong mental vision of placing your clothing in that Box 15 that for every step from now until you return to open that box, you Know That You Are Naked."

I almost reached panic level. I have to admit, as far as I could tell at that moment, everything about myself seemed naked. Yet, I walked calmly and slowly onward. Maybe I should hurry, I thought, but something else in my head said "no running in the hallways."

Part of me wanted to think this whole thing over. I paused a moment, but as soon as I stopped moving, the urge to keep walking grew stronger. "I need to think," I said to myself. "Get it over with! The longer you stand here naked, the more likely someone will find you," another part of me answered back.

Resolving to think and walk at the same time, I started moving again

while applying some "if-then" logic.

KALICO: 1 Hypnotized, Naked in Hope Springs, TexasKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat