Kalico: Next, Hypnotize The Spring Chicken (part 4, Chicken Dance)

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Kalico: Tuesday afternoon at the Seed, Feed & Obedience Shop

Finally, The Spring Chicken Asks For It

I caught my breath for a moment. "David, uh, I'm not sure exactly what I said just now, but I feel like I can ask you, now, please hypnotize me in the chicken way we talked about. Hypnotize me, Okay? I still don't think you can do it, but I will cooperate and it will be fun whatever happens."

David seemed to take some satisfaction that I was actually asking him to hypnotize me, especially after he had voiced such confidence a few minutes earlier that I would work my mental processes around to making the request.

I felt a little spent, emotionally, by all those words I had said. The words had come flowing so easily, and I knew what I was saying as I said it, but afterward I couldn't remember enough to summarize it all except to say let's get me hypnotized like a chicken even though I don't think he can do it.

"All right, I'll not use my hypnosis induction voice," David said. "But since I can't pick you up and swing you around by your feet, we will make do with some alterations in our method. We'll keep it as close as we can to the chicken way of doing things.

"And, of course, since this isn't a regular hypnosis session, you're free to speak up with your own opinions and observations as we go along, especially if it's something helpful. That is, of course, until you're into the full role of the chicken. When that happens, you may enjoy a clucking sensation when you try to talk.

"You're teasing me, now. Get on with it." I protested.

"First, you make a choice, which line would you prefer? Penny's or Lucky's? Try both of them, then stand before the line you prefer."

I went over to the table and stood at the end of each line. Finally I settled on Penny's line.

"Spring Chicken, having made your choice, this becomes your own chicken hypnosis line. This is the line we'll work with, and this will be the line you return to when necessary. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I nodded, "but you're not going to include a lot of hypnosis talk in this are you?"

Did You Fail To Notice You're Already Hypnotized?

"I'm including only enough chicken hypnosis talk for my Spring Chicken to know how to get herself into chicken hypnosis," he said.

"Face right down your chicken hypnosis line, square your body up with it. Feet slightly wider than your shoulders, toes pointed outward. Feet not uncomfortably wide but wider than normal. Toes pointed outward, so you're constantly aware that you're up to something interesting here.

"Bend your knees slightly if it helps you point your toes. This should give you a crab legs stance or chicken legs kind of feeling. It isn't necessary yet for you to actually be staring down your line. Just keep in mind where the line on the table is located so you can find it easily when you're ready for it."

"Great! So what am I supposed to look at?"

"Look at whatever you want to look at. Remember you're a chicken near her hypnosis line who doesn't know she's about to get hypnotized. Remember that in this case your hypnotist is taking care of you but the chicken always gets so hypnotized that she doesn't even notice when it happens.

"The chicken gets so hypnotized that her head can get chopped off and she won't notice and won't mind. A very important point in chicken hypnosis. The chicken sticks her neck out and allows anything to happen.

"Eww, scary, intense. You're sure you're taking care of me? It's me that's sticking my neck out this time."

"I'm positive. I'm taking care to keep you safe, but I'm also taking care to see that you get so hypnotized you don't know it. That's the fun part. Me knowing that in a few minutes you won't know you're hypnotized. I like that, and I like you feeling the intensity just now, how intense is it? Wondering at what point you'll fail to realize you're already hypnotized?"

KALICO: 1 Hypnotized, Naked in Hope Springs, TexasWhere stories live. Discover now