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Lee Minho:

The next day after school, Seungmin and I met up at Jisung's locker like normal. But this time...something was different.

Jisung was talking to Hyunjin while rubbing tears away from his eyes. Something was upsetting him, and that triggered my nerves.

We walked over.

"What happened to Jisung?" Seungmin questioned.

Jisung then whispered something to Hyunjin, and the two took off running to the bathrooms. The bathrooms stay open an hour after school ends because of clubs and sports.

I looked at Seungmin, and he told me he has to get home. So he was on his way, while I walked to the bathroom.

When I arrived there, Hyunjin was standing outside. His arms were crossed and he looked nervous.

"He's in there, I don't know what he's doing though."

I nodded, and I walked into the bathroom.

When I got there, I knew Jisung was locked in in a stall. I was so confused on what was going on.

"'Sungie?" I spoke, hoping he heard it.

Soon, he came out of the stall. He was wiping more tears away, and I then knew he has been crying.

I pulled him into a hug and patted his head, not knowing what to say to help.

I let him cry, and when he stopped I started to ask what happened.

And, he explained everything to me. About the mean things that Changbin guy has been saying to him, and how he was also blackmailing Hyunjin.

I wasn't having this. How dare he be mean to my friend, and my boyfriend.

"And...I don't know how to stop him. I promised Hyunjin I would get Changbin to stop blackmailing him, but truth be told I can't even approach him without getting bullied myself. And I can't tell Hyunjin that Changbin's the one bullying me, or else he will stress more."

They were really stuck. This is all because he is blind, and it's making him feel really bad about himself. I needed to give a pep talk. I needed to let him know being blind isn't totally bad.

"Sometimes I wish I was the blind one. Not being able to hear the people talk about you, or hear the dance music is difficult." It was true. Being deaf is terrible.

"You really would rather be blind?" He questioned in disbelieve.

"Yeah. And you shouldn't let someone take your quirk away from you and make it a bad thing. You're able to live your life so well, and it should stay that way." I tried to encourage him, and by his facial expression turn into a smile I could tell it was working.

I wiped the remaining tears off his face.

"People don't realize that being able to see and hear is a privilege, until you lose it." He told, and I nodded in agreement. It's painfully true. Everyone who has the ability to see the world everyday and listen to what others are saying don't realize how special it is. And when you meet someone who can't do those things, it really opens your mind on how others face the world.

"I'm gonna kill that bitch who hurt you." Is all I managed to say after.

Jisung chuckled. I smiled at his laughing face, and the fact he's feeling a bit better.

"You know, I have a way to fix up the Hyunjin situation." Jisung then told.

I was interested. It's a Jisung plan, so you know it's gonna be insane. And I'm all here for it.

"This is gonna be good, isn't it?" I said suspiciously with a smirk.

Jisung laughed. "Of course it is."

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