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Han Jisung:

Nothing like waking up to more darkness, right?

It's normally every teens dream to sleep all day in a nice dark room with no worries. Like, what seventeen year old wouldn't want to sleep all day?


Hi, I'm Han Jisung, and I've been completely blind since I was seven years old. For the past ten years, all I've seen is darkness. And everyday since then, all I ever wish for was to see light again.

It was Tuesday, May 8th. I was in first grade, and I remember having a splitting headache. It was so bad to the point where I was crying.

Since it was towards spring, the teacher told me it was just my sinuses getting clogged or some shit. Even when I had told her that was my eyes that were hurting too, she just told me I was being dramatic.

Throughout the rest of the day, my vision blurred, my headache got worse, and I cried. I rested my head on my desk and tried to relax to get the headache to go away. My best friend Hyunjin thought I was dying.

I went home and slept the rest of the day. My mom and dad were so worried.

When I woke up the next day, my headache was gone. But I couldn't see a thing. Obviously, my first instinct was to freak out. My mom took me to the hospital, where I got diagnosed with Glaucoma. That's basically an eye disease that if the merge connecting to the eye is damaged, you go blind. I had never known I damaged the nerve, so I was never able to treat it.

It's been hard since then. Do you know how hard it is, once being able to see the beautiful world to suddenly only seeing blackness?

My parents never got me anybody to help guide me places, because I have Hyunjin. Hyunjin lives with us due to his parents passing away in a car crash when he was five. Hyunjin and I have been friends since birth cause our parents were childhood friends.

Hyunjin and I are basically brothers. He guides me up and down stairs, drives me places, reads things to me, everything. He is my thumbs when texting. It's easy to talk to him cause we are both hearing, I just can't see him. My last image of him was the seven year old dork he was back then.

But when Hyunjin isn't home, my life gets boring. Yes, I have other friends, but they are always out doing something that it would be hard for me to do. Both my parents work, so I'm stuck listening to music in my bedroom alone.

That's why I'm so grateful have Lee Minho.

Our Faults // Minsungजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें