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Lee Minho:

I don't know why, but I've always hated doctors offices. Literally no clue or reason, I just do.

Something I love about Jisung is he always notices when something is up. He instantly made me feel better when he noticed I was uncomfortable. And it was nice to know I wasn't the only one feeling that way.

Soon, Hyunjin got called in and him and Seungmin entered the little room, leaving me and Jisung alone. Yay!

Majority of the time we sat in silence. Well, I always sit in silence, but you get the point. He leaned his head against my shoulders and closed his eyes, as I ran the dance steps for Saturday's competition in my head. It's the first competition of the year and I'm so excited! I've been on the team since freshmen year. Hyunjin joined his freshmen year too, but I was a sophomore then.

Every year the routines get harder. The team caption, Yugyeom (who is also a senior), always comes up with award wining choreo's. YG high school is only ranked better than us because they've had a team longer then JYP high school has. It's stupid, but fair.

If we beat them, then beat them at nationals, then our school will be ranked #1 for the first time ever.

Yugyeom never gives me solo's or duets because of my hearing. He only lets me dance in the group routines. He is afraid I'll miss a beat, or hurt myself. He is all about winning.

Still, stupid but fair enough.

I was surprised I even made the team in the first place. It just always makes me wonder, is it out of sympathy? Am I actually good enough?

My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and Hyunjin and Seungmin came out. I could tell by the look on Hyunjin's face that it wasn't good news. He was wearing a boot and had crutches on.

"They said I pulled a muscle in my knee and sprained by ankle. I must have twisted it when I fell. No dance for four weeks!"

I took a minute to fill in what he said from reading his lips. I felt bad. This was the first season Yugyeom gave Hyunjin a solo, and now he can't perform it. He was also a center in our Hip-Hop dance.

Yugyeom will have to do some serious shifting in positions before Saturday. He will probably stick one of the girls in Hyunjin's spot.

"I'll tell Yugyeom tomorrow at practice you can't perform," I signed. Hyunjin nodded.

"I'll still come to practice," He signed back.

It comes in handy having my friends learn sign language.


The next day after school ended, I met up with Hyunjin and we went to dance practice. We entered the dance room (which is the schools gym basically).

Yugyeom knew something was wrong when Hyunjin came in with crutches for his sprained ankle.

"What happened?" He asked. 

"Sprained," is all Hyunjin answered, frowning disappointedly.

Yugyeom kept quiet for a few minutes, thinking.

"Okay, here's what we're doing."

He explained the new plan. Hyunjin was to still come to practices to keep up with learning routines and to keep them in his head. And what he said next scared the shit out of me.

I'll be replacing Hyunjin. That means taking center, and doing his solo.

I was excited, until I realized I only have four days to learn his solo!

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