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Lee Minho:

Whenever Jisung stays at my house to help me practice, I always feel more comfortable and confident. Having his support means a lot.

Hyunjin is also with us, because he knows this solo better than anyone else. He's good with helping me if I do a move wrong. I still feel bad he can't perform for the next four weeks.

Even though Jisung can't see, he still tries to help out as much as he can. It's really sweet. He's always encouraging me and telling me how well I do, and even though he can't see me, it comes from the heart and that's what matters.

Once it started getting late, Hyunjin and Jisung took off, leaving me alone. I moved the furniture back into place, and sat down on my couch.

Getting bored and lonely pretty quickly, I got up and went to my room. I took off my shirt, and started looking at myself in the full length mirror.

I frowned. I didn't like how my body looked. Some people say I'm really skinny, but I don't see it.

I'm a dancer, but I don't have the body of one. From the looks of it, I must not work hard enough. I'll work harder in the future.

I sighed and put my shirt back on, and then noticed my dad walk in my room.

He smiled at me as I walked over and hugged him, welcoming him home from a long day at work.

"Where are your friends at?" He signed to me, taking a seat on my bed.

I sat next to him as I signed back, "they just left. They were helping me practice for competition Saturday."

My dad nodded. He put his hands up like he wanted to say something but put them back down.

He pushed the bangs out of my face, and then put his hands back up.

"I was texting with your mother earlier," he started. I stiffened. I hate when he brings up mom. "She finally wants to meet you."

I rolled my eyes. I do not want to meet the woman who makes my life so difficult.

"I don't want to meet her, dad. She's the cause of my problem, and why I can't enjoy my life to the fullest."

My dad and I were always brutally honest with each other. But that's why we have such a good relationship.

"She wants to come to the competition Saturday, but I told her it was up to you."

I scoffed. "Tell her I said no thank you."

"Are you sure, Minnie?"

I nodded. I'm just not ready to meet her.

My dad didn't respond, as he got up from my bed and went to walk out my door, but he turned back around.

"Also, tell you're lovely boyfriend and his brother I said hi," he spoke, and winked. I read his lips. I smiled.

He should know by now though, that Hyunjin isn't Jisung's brother. They're like brothers. I don't know how many times I've had to explain their situation to him.

Sometimes my dad can be such a dingus.

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