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Lee Minho:

It felt pretty unreal to win first place for best solo. I really wasn't expecting it. Although I performed my best to try and win for Hyunjin's sake, it was just a huge shock.

After I met up with Jisung and Hyunjin, they congratulated me. I tried to give the trophy to Hyunjin because it's his solo, but he refused. He said I earned it.

But did I really earn it? Were the judges just giving me sympathy because I'm deaf? Wait, do they even know?

Whatever the case may be, it didn't feel right that I won. It should have been Hyunjin dancing, not me.

Despite those feelings, I was still proud of myself! All that stress really payed off.

On the way back to the car, I recognized some kids from school. They must have been in the audience. They were looking at me and whispering. I tried to read their lips but couldn't. I just assumed they were talking about how well I performed or something.

Apparently I was wrong, because Jisung must have heard something and before I knew it, he went running at them. Hyunjin managed to drop a crutch in the process of stopping him.

I was confused, but decided to just let it go.


When I got home from dinner with the boys, my dad was already there. He congratulated me and hugged me.

"You were amazing!" He told me. I smiled.

"Thank you!" I replied.

Then I went back up to my room. I decided to relax the rest of the night.

I walked into my room, and turned on a light. When I did, I saw Seungmin was sitting on my bed. I jumped, not expecting to see him.

"I thought I locked the window," I signed to him with a laugh. I wonder how long he has been sitting here for. I know he was busy so he couldn't make the comp.

Although he scared me, this isn't the first time Seungmin has done this. He usually uses my house a quiet place when he needs it. His parents constantly want the best from him and overwork him, plus his mom and dad always fight so Seungmin doesn't get a lot of peace. So I let him come here.

"Nope, it was open." He told me. Seungmin looked...off. Not really sad, but he wasn't his usual self.

"What's up with you?" I asked, tilting my head. I was confused.

"Would it be weird if I liked Hyunjin?" He spoke to me. I read his lips.

"No, but I know you do. I've known for years."

Remember awhile back when Jisung said Seungmin was nervous talking to Hyunjin one day because he found out Seungmin was falling for Hyunjin? He said that was thanks to me. To clear up, no Seungmin never told me he liked Hyunjin, I could just tell!

"Is it that obvious?"

I nodded my head. "It's even more obvious he likes you," I told him. Hyunjin had liked Seungmin before Seungmin liked Hyunjin. It took a few chats before Seungmin realized he liked him, but Hyunjin liked him the first day he saw Seungmin.

"I was thinking about it. If I ask him out, I would have to tell my parents and I don't want to do that," he said. He seemed confused on what to do.

"I would give it time. Wait and see what happens."

I then sat next to him on my bed. I felt bad for him. Seungmin is always stressed out because of his parents. He comes over a lot.

"Okay..." he said. "Anyway, I heard you won today!"

I smiled. As happy as I am to have such a caring and amazing boyfriend like Jisung, I'm just as lucky to have Seungmin as my quirky best friend.


I absolutely love writing this

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