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Han Jisung:

It's Saturday now, and Hyunjin and I just walked out of the doctors office. It's been 4 weeks since he sprained his ankle, so it was time to check up on it.

His ankle was still a bit damaged from stress. They said if you stress too much, it can cause a stress sprain. So instead of healing right away, stress damaged his ankle a little bit more. It's about another week in the boot, but he doesn't need the crutches anymore.

He was happy to be off crutches. The doctors said he can start practicing dance again, just to take it slowly. The boot switched to a little brace he can put over his socks and in shoes.

Once in the car, he started driving us back home. We talked.

"So, you're happy to be out of the boot?" I brought up. I'm happy for him, he can finally perform at competition for the first time this season, and Minho won't have to worry about the solo anymore.

"Yes! I'm so excited to start practicing again." He yelled excitedly.

I smiled at his happiness. "Just be careful, we don't need your stress sprain getting worse."

"Yeah, that's gonna be hard with a huge secret on the line of getting exposed."

I frowned. I had forgotten about that.

"What are you going to do about Changbin?" I asked him. I was curious. Was he just going to keep letting Changbin use him as a toy, or is he going to stop it?

"There is nothing I can really do," He answered. "He has the drawing on camera. No matter what I do, he can easily send it to everyone. Then I'm screwed."

I needed to think. Hyunjin has to stop stressing over this bitch, or else he won't be dancing anytime soon, plus it's not good for his mental health. There has to be something I can do to help, I just don't know how.

Then it hit me. "If I go to guidance on him, they can take his phone and get rid of the pictures!"

I heard him sigh. "Jisung, you're not thinking this through. So what if he doesn't have the photo? That doesn't stop him from knowing I like Seungmin. You can erase the photo, not his brain."

Shit. He has got a point.

Hyunjin's really stuck. I hate seeing him like this.

"Maybe we can-"

"Hyunjin, what's done is done. Fall break starts soon, hopefully he will just let it go after that, okay?"

I humphed. He can be so stubborn.

The rest of the ride home was silent, besides the radio playing lowly. I thought about what to do.

Then I had another idea. But I can not tell Hyunjin it.


The weekend went by fast. I relaxed on Saturday after the doctors with Hyunjin, and on Sunday he started practicing dance again, and I stayed in the same room to make sure he didn't hurt himself. Even if I couldn't see, it's still good to have someone to help if something were to happen.

Sadly, Monday rolled around again, and the two of us were now sitting in last period science class. It's almost been two weeks since my epic prank in history class, and just thinking about it makes me wheeze.

In the middle of class, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I took it out, and I told Hyunjin to read it to me.

"Um, who's contact name is just a frowny face?" He asked before reading me the message.

I frowned. I knew who it was.

"Doesn't matter. Just tell me what he said."

Hyunjin took a breath before reading, "hi, dumbass. I've been wondering, won't your life be a disaster after college? Nobody will hire a blind person, so you're fucked for a job. Nobody besides your boyfriend will be willing to date someone, so when Minho leaves you (because he probably will) what will you do? Live in your house the rest of your life like a loser? Funny. You're basically useless in this world so why don't you just-"

Hyunjin stopped reading and he gasped. I was confused, but then I realized what the rest of the sentence was doing to say.

"O-Oh," I said upset. "Anything else?"

"No...Oh my god, tell me who sent you this!"

I refused, because the person who has been picking on me for a week now is...Changbin. And I don't need Hyunjin worrying more about Changbin then he already is.

Hyunjin handed me the phone back, and as a I took it the teacher finally caught us.

"Mr Han, you shouldn't be texting in class."

I sighed, and felt like I was going to cry.

"I agree."

Our Faults // MinsungМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя